25 Top Hispanic Instagram Influencers To Grow Your Business

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One of the top groups that are taking Instagram influencer marketing to a new level is Hispanics.

Hispanics are one of the fastest-growing demographic groups in the United States. According to the Pew Research Center, Hispanics accounted for 19% of the U.S. population in 2015, up from 5% in 1965.

Hispanics are people whose ethnicity and language are Spanish. They are usually from countries like Mexico, Cuba, Venezuela, and Puerto Rico. Today, Hispanics live in many countries around the world, including the United States.

Hispanics are making their mark on American culture and society. Hispanic influencers are helping to shape a mainstream culture, and Hispanic-owned businesses are becoming increasingly prevalent across the country.

If you need to grow your business with Hispanic Instagram influencers, do not miss our list. But let’s first go through the easiest ways to find influencers on Instagram.

How to find Hispanic influencers on Instagram?

There are so many possible ways to find Instagram influencers, most of which are difficult and time-consuming. Here are some of the easiest ones:

1. Use relevant Instagram hashtags. For example, if you’re looking for Hispanic influencers, try using hashtags like #Hispanics or #Hispanicinfluencers.

2. Search on Google to find related bloggers who can help you increase brand awareness.

3. Check and follow your competitors’ followers on their social media accounts.

4. Use an influencer marketplace. Most people prefer to use this way, which accelerates the process of finding influencers.

Ainfluencer is one of the best DIY marketplaces available on the market. It helps brands and influencers find and invite each other for collaboration for free. It has a smart AI-powered search engine that allows brands to search influencers through filters such as hashtags, location, gender, number of followers, etc.


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Top 25 Hispanic Instagram influencers

Here is our list of the top Hispanic influencers that will help you grow your brand.

1. David Rees (@davidrees)

One of the Hispanic influencers is David Rees, who is a music influencer and composer with 267K followers on Instagram. David is based in London and shares his songs and gay life on his account.

Tap to contact David now

2. Marc Vilas (@marcvilas)

The YouTube personality, Instagram photographer, and video creator Marc Vilas, is a Hispanic influencer who was born in 1998 in Spain. He could gain 271K Instagram followers and 1.78M YouTube subscribers by sharing amazing photos and videos.

Partner with Marc Vilas

3. Luna Adkins (@lunaadkins3)

Luna Adkins is a Hispanic kid, who was born on January 2018, in Miami. She is a kid influencer with 602K Instagram followers, and her account runs by her mom, Ximena Duque,

who is among the top Colombian TV actresses and Latina influencers. If your brand is kid-related, do not hesitate to contact this macro influencer.

Reach Luna Adkins now

4. Daniel Delevin (@danieldelevin)

Daniel Delvin is a Hispanic bestseller author, producer, scriptwriter, and motivational coach. He was born in 1982 in Spain and has gained more than 51K followers by sharing content on Instagram.

Tap to contact Daniel now

5. Chuy Almada (@chuyalmada)

Chuy Almada, also known as El Toro, is a fitness influencer and box coach with 552K Instagram followers. This Mexican influencer tries to help people transform their physique and mentality through boxing and other functional exercises.

Partner with Chuy Almada

6. Andrea Dalmau (@andreadalmauvalls)

Andrea is a famous Hispanic fashion and bikini model born on January 2002 in Spain. She is also an actress and accumulated more than 217K followers by sharing beautiful photos of her style on her account.

Reach Andrea Dalmau now

7. Don Jose Jaquez (@realdonjose)

One of the popular Latina Instagram influencers is Don Jose. Don was born in the Dominican Republic in 1978. He currently works as a songwriter and musician and creates entertaining content on Instagram. The number of his followers is 173K by the time of writing this article.

Tap to contact Don now

8. Connie Davalos (@conniedavalos)

Connie Davalos is one of the top Latina fashion influencers on Instagram. She has two children and is considered a mom blogger who is waiting for her third child. This Mexican influencer has gained over 436K followers by sharing photos and videos of her daily life.

Partner with Connie Davalos

9. Marina Llorca (@marinallorca)

One of the popular Hispanic influencers on Instagram is Marina. She is a hot influencer with 274K followers who shares photos and videos of herself, inviting other women to love their bodies. Marina is a co-founder of Atria, which is a bikini brand.

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Reach Marina Llorca now

10. Carlos Cuevas (@carloscuevas)

Spanish television and theater actor Carlos Cuevas is among the popular Hispanic Instagram influencers. He was born in1995 in Barcelona and gained fame for acting in the “Ventdelplà” TV series. This handsome influencer has gained 968K followers till now.

Tap to contact Carlos now

11. Hugo Perez (@hugoperezcabaleiro)

Hugo Perez is one of the other Hispanic influencers who has nearly 700K followers on Instagram. He is a public digital creator and shares content related to nature, animals, and his van life.

Partner with Hugo Perez

12. Nuria Calvo (@nurycalvo)

Another Hispanic influencer on Instagram is Nuria Calvo. This Spanish lifestyle influencer lives in Miami and shares photos and videos of her daily life with her 299K followers.

Reach Nuria Calvo now

13. Jesus Manuel Rivas Sosa (@Chuchorivass)

Jesus Manuel Rivas Sosa, better known as Chucho Rivas, is a Mexican influencer, singer, and songwriter. He was born in Mexico on September 1997. Manuel currently has 155K Instagram followers, which is rising daily.

Tap to Contact Manuel now

14. Porta (@realporta)

Porta is a professional old-fashioned rap maker. This Hispanic influencer is also a gaming YouTuber and is active on different social media platforms. He has 6.32M YouTube subscribers and 787K followers on Instagram.

Partner with Porta

15. Lucia Pombo (@luciapombo)

Lucia is a Hispanic lifestyle, fashion, and travel influencer on Instagram. She was born in Spain in 1989. She has 403K followers on her Instagram account, which seems to rise daily.

Reach Lucia Pombo now

16. Gianluca Gentile (@gianlucagentile97)

Gianluca, also known as Gintonics, is a YouTuber, model, and Instagram influencer. He was born on October 1997 in Spain and gained popularity for his Gian GG YouTube channel. He has gained 238K Instagram followers and 1.81M YouTube subscribers.

Tap to contact Ginaluca now

17. Gloria Murillo (@gloriamurillomx)

Gloria Murillo is among the most famous Mexican influencers. She is an athlete and fitness model with 643K followers. She shares modeling content on her account and is a great brand ambassador for sportswear and swimwear brands.

Partner with Gloria Murillo

18. Michelle Lewin (michelle_lewin)

As one of the top Latina fashion influencers from Venezuela, Michelle Lewin is also a fitness coach and role model. She is a popular influencer with 15M Instagram followers. By the time of writing this blog, Michelle is considered as a pregnant influencer as well.

19. Lele Pons (@lelepons)

One of the most famous Hispanic influencers on Instagram is Lele Pons. She is a Venezuelan American influencer with nearly 50M followers. She shares photos and videos of her personal life on her Instagram account and hosts her own podcast on Spotify, named “Best Kept Secrets with Lele Pons.”

20. Whindersson Nunes (@whinderssonnunes)

Whindersson Nunes is among the best Latina influencers on Instagram. He is a Brazilian singer, YouTuber, and comedian who became famous for his comedy videos on his social media channels. He has accumulated 58.7M followers on Instagram.

21. Barbara De Regil Schoenwald (@barbaraderegil)

If you ask about the most beautiful Mexican American influencers, Barbara is for sure among the top ones. As well as being an actress, she is among the hottest Latina fashion influencers on Instagram and has 8.4M followers on the platform.

22. Andrea Valdiri (@andreavaldirisos)

Colombian model and dancer Andrea Valdiri is one of the other Hispanic influencers on our list. She was nominated as Mrs. Colombia in 2015 and has since gained more popularity. She is now active on Instagram with 8.7M followers.

23. Pedro Luis Joao Figueira Álvarez (@ladivaza)

Pedro Luis Joao Figueira Álvarez, also known as La Divaza, is one of the top Latina makeup influencers and singers. This Mexican influencer is also active on YouTube and shares videos weekly with his 10.4M subscribers. He is also among the most influential LGBTQ+ influencers, with 6.8M Instagram followers.

24. Abril Abdamari Garza Alonso (@arigameplays)

Abril, better known as Ari, is one of the Hispanic influencers from Mexico. She loves video games and shares entertaining content on her social media accounts. She currently has 11.7M followers on Instagram.

25. Guillermo Díaz Ibáñez (@willyrex)

Guillermo, known as Willyrex on Instagram and YouTube, is a Spanish Public figure and author. He has more than 17M subscribers on his YouTube account, where he shares gaming videos. This Hispanic influencer also has 8.7M Instagram followers and shares photos of his personal life on that platform.


In conclusion, using Hispanic influencers is a great way to grow your business within a specific group of audience. With the rising number of Hispanic Instagram influencers, you can use influencer marketplaces, such as Ainfluencer, to find and invite the top ones for collaboration. Make sure to do your research and find an influencer that is a good fit for your brand.

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1- Who are some Hispanic influencers?

Here are five top Hispanic influencers:
1- Whindersson Nunes (@whinderssonnunes)
2- Lele Pons (@lelepons)
3- Andrea Valdiri (@andreavaldirisos)
4- Michelle Lewin (michelle_lewin)
5- Abril Abdamari Garza Alonso (@arigameplays)

2- Who is the most followed Latina on Instagram?

Whindersson Nunes (@whinderssonnunes), with 58.7M followers, is the most followed Latina influencer on Instagram.

Cyrus Nambakhsh

Cyrus is a serial entrepreneur, product-led-growth expert, a product visionary who launched 7 startups. He has built scalable platforms to help businesses and entrepreneurs. Contact: Cyrus@ainfluencer.com