14 Benefits Of Influencer Marketing To Grow Your Business

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In today’s marketing landscape, companies, brands, and small businesses are using influencers in marketing, and influencer marketing stands out as one of the most effective marketing strategies.

Influencer marketing is an industry still on the rise, and the stats have indeed grown. Working with influencers can help your small business work around common barriers to promoting it, such as using ads.

This article will introduce 14 influencer marketing benefits that your small business can reap. Let’s dive right in to see how including an influencer marketing strategy can attract more people to your business, increase sales, generate more revenue, and bring you more key advantages.

What Is Influencer Marketing?

Influencer marketing is a combination of traditional and modern marketing tactics since it takes the idea of celebrity endorsement and couples it with exclusive content and online campaigns.

Simply put, influencer marketing involves leveraging the relationships of key individuals to promote a product or service. These individuals, known as influencers, usually have large social media followings and are often trusted by their followers. As such, they can be a powerful tool for promoting a brand or product.

Influencers are people with established authority in a specific niche and a loyal audience. They connect consumers to businesses by influencing other people’s opinions and encouraging them to take action on something specific.

Influencer marketing tools

There are many different influencer marketing tools that brands can use to find and partner with influencers. These tools vary in price, features, and usability.

Ainfluencer is one of the best and most high-quality DIY Instagram influencer marketplace that lets brands explore thousands of qualified influencers and invite them to collaborate.

Influencers can also search through thousands of brand campaigns and make offers to brands that are related to their niche.

Make offers
Execute influencer marketing campaigns

Influencer Marketing Benefits


Benefit #1: Increasing brand awareness

One of the most important influencer marketing benefits to your business is putting it in front of the right people.You want to reach out to people in new communities, make them aware of what services or products you have to offer, and make them your customers. Using influencer based marketing can help you achieve this purpose and increase brand awareness.

Benefit #2: Building trust

Boosting awareness through social media influencer marketing lets people feel they can trust your business. They get to know you through a person they believe in and follow, and this ensures them that you are a credible and reliable brand.

And by becoming a trusted name in your industry, you can attract more and more potential customers.

Benefit #3: Generating sales

In addition to creating exposure, one of the other important benefits of influencer marketing is improving sales and generating more revenues.

While using influencer marketing for brands, using the right marketing strategy can drive more people to use the services and products you have to offer by letting influencers promote them. This is effective because the influencer’s audience is loyal and interested in what the influencer recommends.

Therefore, their audience is more likely to take action than when they’re reached out directly by a brand.

Note: If you find niche-relevant influencers to promote your business, you’ll stand a better chance of seeing a more significant number of customers, which could possibly result in more sales and revenue.

Benefit #4: Being an excellent alternative to paid ads

One of the other influencer marketing benefits is getting your message across different communities in a natural, friendly tone.

We live in a world where ads scream at us from every direction, calling us to take action. Every one of us comes across an ad at least once a day. These are just annoying and disruptive to our online experience.

Statista’s forecast shows that among internet users of all age groups who use the internet at least once a month, 27% use ad blockers. That number is why your business should consider working with influencers.

As an importance of influencer marketing, we should mention that influencers promote what you offer them in a natural tone without being pushy or deceitful. And as you don’t want to risk having your ads blocked and irritate people, using influencers for marketing helps your customer outreach strategy to be more effective.

In addition to being an organic approach, influencer marketing is a lot cheaper compared to advertising.

Benefit #5: Being a shortcut to content marketing

One of the most effective benefits of advertising influencers is having to invest less in a content marketing plan. Content marketing refers to using different content formats to bring value to an audience.

Although it’s an essential part of every business, it best produces results in the long term. However, when you decide to collaborate with influencers, you don’t have to pay extra for their content creation costs.

See also  Easy Ways To Measure Influencer Marketing Success

It’s important for influencer marketing that they’re responsible for curating content that best fits your business’s nature and promoting it on their social media profiles.

Benefit #6: Creating an affiliate program

One of the influencer marketing benefits is that you can gain the advantage of having your own affiliate program.

Affiliate programs pay commissions to influencers or other affiliates based on sign-up numbers, purchases, or other factors.

When your business works with several influencers, you have the opportunity to structure an exclusive affiliate program. By offering promo codes or/and affiliate links to influencers, tracking engagement, clicks, downloads, and purchases become easier for you.

Having your own affiliate program further helps you with deepening your online authority.

Benefit #7: Increasing website traffic

The website of your business can experience traffic growth with the right influencer marketing for brand strategy. Website traffic refers to the number of users that visit your site.

Each visitor creates an opportunity for you to add to your customer list. The more website visitors you have, the more leads you generate and boost sales. More sales and revenue are things all businesses, regardless of their size, pursue.

Influencer marketing not only allows you to achieve both, but also lets you do so at a lower cost compared to other marketing methods.

Benefit #8: Increasing your social media presence

Increasing your follower count may not be the ultimate goal of running influencer marketing campaigns, but it will be a welcome addition. 

The more loyal followers you have, the less you have to pay and put effort into delivering your content to people and spreading the word about your brand and products.

Over time, your followers can become loyal fans and customers of your brand. So, one of the other importance of influencer marketing is that an influencer simply brings a new audience to you by mentioning your account, and they stay with you if they like whatever you offer_products, services, content, etc._

Benefit #9: Having an affordable and cost-effective marketing

One of the most significant influencer marketing benefits, especially for small businesses, is that using influencers for marketing is affordable and very cost-effective in comparison to using traditional paid ads. Cost really matters to small businesses due to the fact that they usually have a limited budget. So they can work with micro influencers or nano influencers who have a more modest following but provide higher engagement.

Benefit #10: Having a targeted marketing

To ensure a good ROI, businesses need to target the right audience. In simple terms,  a target audience is a set of people who are most likely to be interested in your product or service. And the members of this group have a lot in common.

One of the other benefits of social media, and especially Instagram influencer marketing, is that by targeting the right influencer for your brand, you find the chance to reach a targeted audience for your brand.

Benefits #11: Predicting the result

As soon as you place your ad on an influencer feed, you can calculate the success of this influencer sponsorship in advance. 

There are some indicators, such as the number of likes, comments, reach of an influencer’s post, engagement rate, etc., that allows you to predict the performance of this influencer and more accurately plan budgets and your campaign results.

Benefits #12: Building relationships

One of the other influencer marketing benefits is building strong relationships. By having a good rapport with influencers, you will get invited to their live events, joint ventures, and other ceremonies and therefore make new friends and connections.

Benefits #13: Boosting SEO rankings

Influencer marketing for brands can help them boost their SEO rankings as well. By working with influencers who are also popular bloggers in your industry, you can ask them to link to your site to improve your search engine visibility and tell Google or other search engines that your content is good.

Benefits #14: Using experts’ experience

Regarding the importance of influencer marketing, brainstorming is a top one. Influencers are experts in their niche and account and can give you great ideas on how to do your marketing.

As influencers know best what their followers like, just give them all the details about the collaboration you want, and rest assured that they’ll share the best content to promote your brand.


In conclusion, you, as a brand, can benefit a great deal from influencer marketing. It allows you to reach a larger audience, builds trust among customers, and can be a more cost-effective way to market your business.

In this article, we listed some of the influencer marketing benefits for businesses, especially small ones. But this is not the end, and there are many more benefits of advertising with influencers on social media.

So take these benefits into consideration and take advantage of influencer marketplaces like Ainfluencer to take your small business to the next level.

Try Ainfluencer now

1- How influencers help small businesses?

Influencers help small businesses by 1- increasing brand awareness, 2- building trust with potential customers, 3- increasing social media presence, 4- boosting website traffic, 5- improving sales, etc.

2- How does influencer marketing work?

Influencer marketing is a form of marketing that focuses on using key influencers to drive the message of a brand or product to the target market. These influencers can be anyone from celebrities to bloggers to regular people with a large social media following. The goal of influencer marketing is to create an authentic relationship between the brand and the target market through the use of these key influencers.

Cyrus Nambakhsh

Cyrus is a serial entrepreneur, product-led-growth expert, a product visionary who launched 7 startups. He has built scalable platforms to help businesses and entrepreneurs. Contact: Cyrus@ainfluencer.com