How To Build A Successful ECommerce Brand In 2022

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In the world of eCommerce, there has never been a more challenging situation to compete. The shopping habits of today’s consumers are getting more independent as they use the internet to study products and make quick purchases without ever stepping foot in a brick-and-mortar store.

So, you need eCommerce marketing strategies and eCommerce advertising techniques to build your eCommerce brand, engage with both existing and potential consumers, provide individualized customer service, and get sales.

40% of internet users globally have made an online purchase from an eCommerce brand or a successful eCommerce store. Do you want to be one of those successful eCommerce stores? Then, you need a guide to see how to build an eCommerce brand.

Ways to build an eCommerce brand

An eCommerce brand is more than just a logo and a website. It’s the feeling customers get when they interact with your company. Creating a strong eCommerce brand requires thought and eCommerce branding plans. Here are some tips for building an eCommerce brand that will resonate with your customers. 

1- Establish your style

Establishing your brand style is one of the very first things you need to consider when thinking of eCommerce branding. Customers value authenticity above everything else in brand content. To meet this expectation, your brand’s style should reflect the focus of your brand.

So, in order to establish your brand style, you will need to identify your target audience, determine what type of image you want to portray, and select the colors, fonts, and overall look of your brand. Once you have all of these elements in place, you will need to create a consistent message across all of your marketing materials.

For example, DIFF Eyewear uses energizing colors and vibrant images to express the idea that their sunglasses are associated with a fun, cheerful lifestyle.

DIFF Eyewear-Homepage

2- Position yourself uniquely in front of your target demographic

One of the best eCommerce branding strategies that can make your eCommerce brand successful is to emotionally connect with your target audience and position yourself uniquely in front of them.

For all of your potential customers, there might be a Walmart shop with physical locations right nearby. A click will always take you to Amazon. These enormous corporations most likely offer comparable goods at a lower cost than your e-Commerce platform. Therefore, you require a compelling differentiation to make an emotional connection with your target audience.

Your marketing communications have a greater chance of becoming viral if your target audience can associate with the problems you’re trying to solve.

3- Build authentic relationships with customers

Any brand must develop trust, but eCommerce brands require it more than others. One of the very first steps of eCommerce branding is to create buzz around products and industry, which translates into building the authentic feel you need around your brand.

In order to build authentic relationships with online customers, successful eCommerce stores focus on creating a personal connection with each customer. This can be done by providing quality customer service, responding to customer inquiries in a timely manner, and offering personalized recommendations. Additionally, businesses should make an effort to understand the unique needs and interests of each customer. 

Here are some strategies for creating buzz about your business that strengthens consumer trust in your brand.

  • Create your own content.
  • Be a thought leader and understand your industry inside and out.
  • Participate in online forums that relate to your industry.
  • Get to know the big players.
  • Use social media.
  • Network with influencers.

Note: Influencer marketing is now one of the most popular ways successful eCommerce brands use to generate buzz and build trust. To run a successful influencer marketing campaign, you need to find influencers in your niche on popular social media platforms like Instagram.

Most brands may find this process tedious and time-consuming. But, there are Instagram influencer marketplaces out there ready to accelerate this process.

Ainfluencer, as a middleman, facilitates communication and collaboration between brands and influencers. This influencer marketplace is packed with lots of useful features and AI-powered search engines that allows you to filter influencers based on location, hashtags, category, gender, language, number of followers, etc.


4- Be consistent

Inconsistency, which covers everything from your commerce platform to your content and your social network presence, is one fatal error that frequently results in death for brands.

It’s crucial to stick with your message once you’ve developed it and to apply it consistently to all of your eCommerce branding strategies.

Your design, logo, and any collaterals should follow the previously established brand guidelines. In order to accurately represent the personality of your brand, your website, social media platforms, products, emails, and advertisements must all be consistent and simple to recognize.

5- Focus on product quality

A successful eCommerce brand is built on providing quality products to customers. By focusing on product quality, eCommerce businesses can create a loyal customer base that will keep coming back for more. In today’s competitive market, it is more important than ever to focus on product quality in order to stand out from the rest. By ensuring that products are high-quality and meet customer expectations, eCommerce brands can create a loyal following that will help to promote and grow the business.

6- Create video content

In today’s digital world, a video is a powerful tool for building eCommerce brand which is trusted and successful. So, to differentiate from competitors and be great at building an eCommerce brand that stands out, create and share more video content on your website, in your emails, and with your social media followers.

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You cannot, however, limit your production to informational, product-demo, and explainer videos if you want to create a memorable eCommerce brand. In order to connect with consumers and demonstrate the human side of your brand, you must reflect the personality and values of your brand in the videos you produce.

7- Ensure that your consumers have a fantastic experience

You won’t be able to compete with the larger commerce platforms on price. You’ll need a strong brand story, as well as a distinct USP.

You may also strengthen your brand while gaining loyal customers by customizing your product packaging and treating your customers like VIPs. It all comes down to enhancing the customer experience.

Customers of Dollar Shaving Club enjoy a first-rate unboxing experience. They treat their customers like special club members. They also greet you with a cheerful postcard and offer you a free drink, which they comically disclaim with the phrases “not really” and “please don’t drink and shave.”

Dollar Shaving Club-create fantastic experience for customers

The information on the back of the postcard, which also includes instructions on how to change your subscription and follow them on social media, gives you the impression that you are a member of an elite movement.

Dollar Shaving Club-postcard

And here’s their complete welcome package.

Dollar Shaving Club-welcome package

8- Share your story

Today’s consumers value brands that are honest. Share your original story with customers to demonstrate to them how much your company cherishes the principles it professes.

Your story ought to be more than just a list of details, like the time and place the business was established. The bigger reason for building eCommerce brand should be explained. Explain how you hope your eCommerce brand will enhance the lives of your customers while presenting this aim.

So, successful eCommerce brands have compelling stories. Make your consumers the heroes of that story, and they’ll connect with it far more. Include the story of your brand in everything you do.

1- About us page

On your about us page, include intriguing information about the origin of your brand. A video from the founder can be especially compelling.

2- Packaging

Labels, tags, packaging, and any other physical interaction your customers have with their products are all opportunities to tell your story.

3- Press release

A press release is a fantastic forum for sharing your story if you are a company or introducing a new product. PR, in general, is an excellent method of expanding your customers.

Note: One of the best social media platforms that can help you with building eCommerce brand is Instagram. With a ton of Instagram features, different kinds of marketers found it a great place to connect with a wide audience worldwide and generate ROI. So, you need to invest in Instagram to build a successful eCommerce store and take your eCommerce branding strategies to the next level.

Here are 7 Instagram marketing ways to build eCommerce brand:

1- Prepare your Instagram eCommerce category and catalog.

2- Use links in your Instagram profile.

3- Set up Instagram shopping.

4- Make the most of branded hashtags.

5- Analyze your competitors.

6- Consider Instagram contest ideas.

7- Post discount products offer.

Top eCommerce brand building examples

1- Native union

As mentioned earlier, creating video content is one of the popular eCommerce brand strategies. Native union owns one of the best brand building examples, which has successfully taken advantage of engrossing technology videos to tell a beautiful story of how its Night cables offers the simplest solution to everyday frustration when charging your electronic devices.    

The home, lighting, and everything else easily conjure up the image of comfort and convenience.

2- Starbucks

Starbucks is one of the best brand building examples when it comes to building a relationship with customers and ensuring that they have a fantastic experience. 

For example, they used carousels perfectly to introduce and promote their service to sightless people or the ones with low vision.

3- Alfred

Alfred-eCommerce branding

Before expanding to other sites throughout the US, as well as in Japan and Kuwait, the coffee brand Alfred started as a small coffee shop in Los Angeles. Alfred has a striking online store in addition to its physical location. A delectable collection of close-up coffee shots serves as the homepage hero image, while graphics and outlined fonts provide a pleasant counterpoint to the hyper-realistic videos. 

Alfred needs to establish a unified brand across both its physical locations and online store. Bold fonts, a restricted color scheme, and a library of drawings allow it to change the design in each place without losing its brand identity.

4- Warby Parker

Warby Parker-eCommerce branding

Warby Parker is an expert at turning ordinary goods and services into fascinating ones. Their unique marketing approach, which combines compelling storytelling and distinctive branding, is the foundation of their whole business plan.

They were able to generate a ton of user-generated content for their Instagram feed as well as enduring consumer devotion by producing content that not only made fun of their brand and product but also involved their audience.


In conclusion, there are a few things that you can do to help build a successful eCommerce brand. First and foremost, make sure that your products are of high quality and that you offer a variety of options for your customers. Additionally, develop a strong customer service infrastructure in order to provide support and assistance to your customers. Finally, be creative and innovative with your marketing strategies, and keep up with the latest trends in order to stay ahead of the competition.

1- What is an example of an eCommerce company?

Amazon, FlipKart, eBay, and Myntra are a few very well-known examples of successful eCommerce companies.

2- How do you grow an eCommerce brand?

Here are some strategies that will show you how to grow your eCommerce business.
1- Grow Using Affiliate Marketing
2- Establish your Target Audience
3- Offer Complementary Products
4-  Market to All Stages of the Funnel
5- Work with Influencers
6- Ship Globally

Cyrus Nambakhsh

Cyrus is a serial entrepreneur, product-led-growth expert, a product visionary who launched 7 startups. He has built scalable platforms to help businesses and entrepreneurs. Contact: