10 Proven Brand Awareness Strategies to Connect with Your Audience in 2024

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What makes a brand become a leader in its industry? The name may come to mind when people search for a product or service. In the same way that they use the word Kleenex instead of paper tissues. How does something like this happen? It’s only possible by incorporating effective brand awareness strategies, which will be explained in this article. 

You may need to employ several strategies at once to build brand awareness. Therefore, don’t only stick to one tactic.

What Is Brand Awareness Strategy?

When talking about brand awareness strategy, it’s all the plans you incorporate to make more people know and trust your brand. The main goal of having this strategy is to create a positive brand image and drive customer acquisition. 

Let’s explain more about creating a brand image and all the benefits it has.

What does it mean to create a brand’s image?

The very first thing that you need to consider in your branding strategy is the image that you want to create for your brand. You should clarify what your purpose is, what you already know about your audience, and of course, how well your audience knows you.

We’ve broken down three main steps to developing your business’ image.

1. Create your brand’s message

A business, service, or product can be used for many different things. But, it is your company’s message that is ultimately going to stick with the consumer. 

To figure out what your brand’s message is, ask yourself the following:

  • Is your message client-focused? 
  • Where do you see the brand in 10 years?
  • How is it unique?

2. Specify your brand’s identity

Every visible element that references your business should be considered a part of your brand’s identity. It plays a significant role along with your brand’s message and brand awareness strategy to create a powerful brand image. 

Your identity is more than your brand’s name and logo. There are deeper elements that make up your brand identity like:

  • Your reputation with your own employees.
  • The inclusiveness of your brand.
  • Your consistent tone and voice.
  • Your company values.

3. Build brand awareness

Simply put, you can’t reach many customers if people aren’t aware that your brand exists. Hence the need to create and develop your brand awareness strategy. 

You may wonder which strategies you should follow to create a better image for your brand. Get to the next part for more explanation. 

The Best Brand Awareness Strategies

Whether you want to create or increase brand awareness, the following strategies can help you succeed in your plan. 

Brand awareness strategies

1-Create a Memorable Logo 

Your logo is the first thing that your audience sees. They may not even know what you do but may remember you by it. There are simple tips that can help you create a logo that is more memorable to people: Make it simple, catchy, and relevant. For example, look at Nike’s logo; the concept is straightforward and doesn’t require extensive elaboration or explanation. So, when you see this simple black logo, you know it’s all about Nike.  

2- Know Your Audience 

The most critical brand awareness strategy is knowing your audience. Who is your target customer? What age are they? What is their personality? It’s crucial to create an image for your audience to find out how to introduce yourself to them or which brand advertising strategy to follow.  

There are different ways to know your audience better, such as:

  • Create buyer personas for your ideal customers based on your research and data.
  • Review any current data and analytics you have about your audience, such as their demographics, behavior, preferences, and feedback. 
  • Conduct surveys to gather direct feedback from your audience about their opinions, preferences, satisfaction, and expectations.
  • Monitor your competitors to see how they communicate with and attract their audience.  

3- Create Your Brand’s Tone of Voice 

After knowing who your target customers are, you can create a tone of voice for your brand that is more compelling to them. For example, it should be more casual if your customers are Gen Z, or you may need to talk more formally if your customers are the managers of high-end companies. 

Furthermore, a consistent tone can make you more memorable to your audiences, so whenever they see your ad or even hear it, they can recognize you before you introduce yourself.

4- Do SEO Research

If you build a website with a great rank on Google, more people will trust your business. Optimizing your website for search engines is one of the critical brand awareness strategies you should follow. Knowing that websites listed at the top of the Google search results will get 33% more clicks than others shows how important SEO is for your business.

See also  Top 10 AI Influencers To Check On Instagram

SEO content writing services and tools can help you improve your website for organic searches.

5- Participate in Social Media Conversations 

You should leverage your social media activities by engaging with your followers and joining their conversations. Participate in trends to show your audience you are up-to-date and you know what’s happening around you. Don’t stick to talking about your brand. Run fun campaigns and contests to attract more people to follow you.

6- Produce Valuable Content 

One thing that can bring the audience to your website or social media account is content. Whatever you share on behalf of your brand should be unique, valuable, and authentic. People love to share new and creative content with their friends. Therefore, be innovative in content creation and make it shareable so more people can click to read your content. Then, you can measure brand awareness by checking the clicks, reaches, or views.

7- Create User-Generated-Content (UGC) 

If you are open to positive and negative comments, you will increase your customers’ trust. One of the brand awareness strategies you should implement in your marketing plans is to gather reviews and testimonials that your fans and customers write about your brand or product. User-generated content is the pure side of your brand, where your customers introduce you to others, showing social proof and building trust.

8- Collaborate with Influencers 

As social media use gets more popular, following influencers become more common. Influencers have a large and engaged following in a specific niche and can influence their followers’ behavior as consumers. 

By collaborating with relevant Instagram influencers to your brand, you can expose your products or services to a wider and more targeted audience, generate word-of-mouth referrals, and enhance your brand reputation. For example, Olay partnered with several influencers to promote its #FaceAnything campaign, encouraging women to embrace their natural beauty and defy stereotypes.

How to Find Influencers for Collaboration?

Since influencer marketing is one of the best brand awareness strategies businesses can follow, they need to find an easy way to find influencers to collaborate with. One great method to connect with influencers is using influencer marketing platforms like Ainfluencer. 

Let’s see how this platform works: 

Ainfluencer: The Best Influencer Marketing Platform

Ainfluencer is a 100% Do-It-Yourself marketplace that connects businesses and influencers with a few clicks. If you are looking for an influencer marketing platform that doesn’t charge you a subscription fee, you are at the right place because Ainfluencer is free. You wont need to pay any charges to use its features and tools. 

You can easily sign up on Ainfluencer for free  and create a campaign defining what the goal of this collaboration is. 


Ainfluencer is a full-fledged end-to-end marketplace powered by AI to match your product and service with thousands of influencers on Instagram and TikTok forever. Transparency, direct communications with the other side, simplicity (DIY), escrow system, rating and reviews, and full detailed insights on influencers are among the best values of Ainfluencer marketplace. 

If you are interested to learn more about all the values of Ainfluencer, then scroll down below to read more.

Describe your campaign

After signing up on Ainfluencer, you will get access to over 500,000 influencers. Then you can use  the ‘Find Influencers’ tool on the platform to search for influencers based on category, gender, location, language, hashtags, and number of followers. You can also dedicate a budget for your influencer marketing campaign so that only the influencers in that range will be listed. 

If you want to learn more about how Ainfluencer works, don’t miss this video:

On the other hand, influencers can also reach out to brands’ campaigns and send them their offers. So, if you don’t have time to search for influencers, sit back and receive offers and proposals from influencers in your niche.

Therefore, it will get easier for brands to find the right influencer for their influencer marketing campaigns

As can be seen, joining Ainfluencer is an easy, cost-effective, and quick strategy to increase brand awareness on social media. 

Remember that it’s all free. Check it out now!

Join Ainfluencer for Free


9- Measure Brand Awareness 

Analyzing your campaigns and brand’s performance is one of the most essential brand awareness strategies. You can check Instagram insights to determine if you have gained more followers after a campaign or got more views and reach. The same happens for the website.

Note: It is usually recommended to use a measurable strategy. Instagram, TikTok, and other social media platforms give you detailed reports about your performance, making it much easier to analyze and measure your brand awareness.


Having a brand awareness strategy should be one of the first things you consider as a business. Having an idea of how you want your company portrayed and wh6at you want its message to be is important to guide your business’ growth

And we can’t emphasize enough how effective influencer marketing programs are for getting your brand’s image out to the general public. Make it the first thing you use to grow your business.

Try Ainfluencer for free now


1- How to Promote Brand Awareness? 

Partnering with an influencer is the key to promoting your brand’s awareness. Leverage their own audience to bring your brand to new people in their own homes.

2- Why Is Brand Awareness Important? 

Brand awareness directly relates to sales. Usually, the higher your brand awareness, the more your business profits.

3- What Are the Best Brand Awareness Strategies to Boost Reach on Social Media?

Influencer marketing can be an excellent method to boost reach because influencers have many followers; when they promote your brand, they are more likely to visit your account and view your posts. By doing so, it will enhance the reach and number of views.

Cyrus Nambakhsh

Cyrus is a serial entrepreneur, product-led-growth expert, a product visionary who launched 7 startups. He has built scalable platforms to help businesses and entrepreneurs. Contact: Cyrus@ainfluencer.com