32+ Top Technology Influencers To Grow Your Brand In 2023

You are currently viewing 32+ Top Technology Influencers To Grow Your Brand In 2023

In the early days of the internet, only a few people could create websites. A decade later, anyone with a computer and an internet connection could start a blog. Today, social media has democratized content creation even further. Anyone with an opinion can share it with the world in seconds.

This has led to an explosion of voices in the technology industry. While there are still a few major players, such as Apple and Microsoft, there are now countless small companies and individual developers who are driving innovation.

To keep up with all of these changes, it’s important to stay on top of the latest trends and follow the right tech influencers.

Technology influencers are people who use their platforms to spread the word about new technology products and services. They can be regular users or tech reviewers with a large group of followers. They are often the first to find new products and share their opinions with their followers. Technology influencers can make a big difference when it comes to choosing which new products to buy.

In this article, we’re going to cover the different ways to find tech influencers on Instagram and provide you with a list of some of the top ones. 

How to find Tech influencers on Instagram?

There are a great number of tech influencers, and finding the right one for promoting your business is very important, yet it can be difficult and time-consuming.

You can find influencers in your niche by searching on Google and finding different blogs about them. You can also search by related hashtags on Instagram.

And one other way to find Instagram influencers in your niche is to use different marketplaces. Ainfluencer is one of the top ones.


Ainfluencer is a free and secure marketplace that helps you find the top influencers on Instagram with advanced search features and filters such as gender, location, hashtags, number of followers, etc.

Using Ainfluencer, you can make campaigns about your brand and its goals. After that, you can explore and find top tech influencers and invite them to cooperate with you.

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Top tech influencers on Instagram

#1 Tim Schofield (@Qbking77)

Tim Schofield is one of the top tech influencers on Instagram. He has over 38k followers and always shares the latest and greatest news and products in tech. Whether it’s a new iPhone release or a new product from Microsoft, Schofield is always on top of it.

Connect with Tim Schofield

#2 Jedi Dusseldorf (@Technikfaultier)

Germany-based Jedi Dusseldorf is a self-proclaimed “tech influencer” on Instagram, with over 28k followers. He is known for his posts about new technology products and gadgets, as well as his product reviews.

He is active on both YouTube and Instagram. These days, Jedi is one of Germany’s most popular tech bloggers. Jedi’s fans love his honest product reviews and willingness to try out new things.

Talk to Jedi

#3 Michael Kukielka (@Detroitborg)

Michael Kukielka is one of the other top tech influencers on Instagram. He has amassed 120k followers and raised to fame for his reviews of new technology products.

He also has a YouTube channel with over 1.3m subscribers. Michael is considered an expert in the tech industry, and his opinions are highly sought after by both consumers and manufacturers.

Grow your business with Kukielka

#4 Lucky Singh (@Itsme.lucky__)

Lucky Singh is among the best tech influencers on Instagram and has accumulated 1m followers due to his engaging and informative posts about technology.

Singh’s account is a great resource for anyone looking to learn more about the latest gadgets and devices, and he frequently provides tips and advice for using technology in productive and innovative ways.

Connect with Lucky Singh

#5 Gaurav Chaudhary (@Technicalguruji)

One of the other top tech influencers on our list is Gaurav Chaudhary. He has more than 2.3m followers and became famous for his tech reviews, which he posts on Instagram. Gaurav has worked with some of the biggest brands in the tech industry, including Apple and Samsung.

In addition to his work as a tech influencer, Gaurav is also a web developer and entrepreneur.

Talk to Chaudhary

#6 Andru Edwards (@Andru)

Andru Edwards is one of the most popular tech influencers on Instagram, with over 222k followers.

Edwards is also a TV personality and hosts several TV shows about technology. He uses his Instagram account to share news and insights about the latest gadgets and technologies.

Grow your business with Andru

#7 TechMeOut (@techme0ut)

TechMeOut is a perfect account that covers everything about technology. She shares unboxing and product reviews and introduces top tech products and apps with her 22k Instagram followers.

Connect with Techme0ut

#8 Rich DeMuro (@Richontech)

Rich DeMuro has over 113k followers on Instagram and is considered a technology influencer. He often posts the latest news and useful tips and gadgets in technology. He is also a tech reporter on TV and the radio and helps people understand technology.

Talk to DeMuro

#9 Andres Vidoza (@Andresvidoza)

Andres Vidoza is one of the other top tech influencers on Instagram, with over 191k fans. Andres has worked as an engineer and digital creator for several years and uses his knowledge and experience to help others understand complex technical concepts.

His account is full of beautiful images and positive vibes.

Grow your business with Vidoza

#10 Isaac Durant (@Embeddednature)

Isaac Durant is an IoT engineer and tech reviewer. He has amassed so many followers on Instagram by sharing insightful posts about technology. Isaac is an expert in the field and provides valuable information to his followers.

Connect with Isaac Durant

#11 Steph Humphrey (@Techlifesteph)

On our list of tech influencers, Steph Humphrey is a female one with about 15k Instagram followers. This micro influencer tries to make tech easier for everyone by giving practical tips. Steph is always up-to-date on the latest trends and loves to share her thoughts on products with her followers.

Talk to Humphrey

#12 Samuel Morhaim (@Smorhaim)

Samuel Morhaim is a great tech expert on social media platforms and has about 16k followers on Instagram. He regularly shares his thoughts and insights on technology, business, and life on his blog and podcasts. Samuel’s unique perspective and wealth of knowledge make him one of the top tech influencers today.

Grow your business with Samuel

#13 Isaac (@Canoopsy)

Isaac, also known as Canoopsy, is a well-known tech influencer from Toronto. He gained more than 36k Instagram followers by creating tech videos.

He is the founder of the technology website “Canoopsy.media.”

Connect with Canoopsy

#14 Linda Vivah (@Lindavivah)

One of the top technology influencers on Instagram is Linda Vivah. She is also a music and lifestyle content creator and could amass about 41k Instagram followers by sharing her insights and advice with others in the mentioned industries.

Linda is the founder of “Codingcrystals.”

Talk to Linda

#15 Shayeste Vefaghnematollahi (@Shayestespace)

Shayeste Vefaghnematollahi, known as “Shayestespace” on social media platforms, is a software engineer and tech influencer.

Shayeste has 38k followers on Instagram, where she shares the process and difficulties of coding.

She is also a co-founder of “Vohu.”

Grow your business with Shayeste

#16 Angie Zampona (@Ang_is_charged)

Angie Zampona is among the top tech influencers on Instagram, with 12.5k followers. She is also a writer and video producer and captures many excellent photos.

Angie is a true expert when it comes to technology, and her insights are valuable for businesses that are looking to stay ahead of the curve.

Connect with Angie Zampona

#17 Matthew Kahla (@Mattkahla)

Matthew Kahla is a technology expert that has been in the industry for many years. Kahla has worked in various fields of the tech world, including software development, product management, and marketing.

Kahla also runs his own blog, “Mattkahlajr.com,” where he shares his thoughts on various topics related to technology.

Talk to Mattew

#18 Anastasia Marchenkova (@Amarchenkova)

Anastasia Marchenkova is a Russian entrepreneur and tech influencer and believes that we can build a better future with technology. She shares quantum computing and coding tutorial on Instagram and YouTube.

Chat with Anastasia

#19 Delia (@Tech.unicorn)

One of the other top tech influencers on Instagram is Delia. Being known as “Tech Unicorn,” she shares many valuable technical contents with her 75k Instagram followers.

Delia is an engineer at Google, and her specific tech website is “Thetechunicorn.com.”

Grow your business with Delia

#20 Emily Bayuk (@Thestemdiaries)

Emily Bayuk is a tech influencer, content creator, and cybersecurity consulting analyst. She is the founder of “The STEM Diaries,” a website about STEM, science, technology, engineering, and math, and their effect on our everyday lives.

Talk to Emily

#21 Comp Skyy (@Compskyy)

Comp Skyy is one of the great technology accounts on Instagram, with more than 10k followers. The girl usually shares coding and tech tips in a funny way.

Her audiences are highly engaged, and she has been able to collaborate with a number of technology brands.

#22 Madi (@Thehippiehacker)

Computer scientist Madi is among the best tech influencers, with less than 10k followers on Instagram. This nano influencer reviews tech products and talks about software development on her account.

See also  Top 13 NFT Influencers You Need to Follow on Social Media Right Now

She has collaborated as an affiliate with several famous brands, such as Samsung.

#23 Stacy (@Codemyjourney)

Stacy is a software engineer and tech expert who has 171k Instagram followers.

She posts about technology tips and hacks and tries to make tech easy for everyone.

#24 Aral Tasher (@Araltasher)

Aral Tasher is a programmer, engineer, and technology influencer. Tasher has been able to keep up with the latest trends and share his knowledge with others on Instagram.

He is also a designer and brings beauty and elegance to answer design problems.

#25 Matt (@Nvzion)

Matt, based in Texas, is one of the top tech influencers and content creators. He shares new tech products and his opinions about them on Instagram and YouTube.

Matt also does many collaborations with famous brands.

#26 Jake Beau (@Boostproductivityjake)

Beau is a self-proclaimed “tech influencer” who has amassed a large group of people on Instagram by sharing his insights on technology. He has covered a range of topics, from how to use popular apps like Snapchat and Instagram to how to build a website from scratch.

Beau is also the founder of a social app for tracking habits.

#27 Marques Brownlee (@Mkbhd)

If you’re into tech, you probably know Marques Brownlee on Instagram. He is also a web video producer and has 15.6m subscribers on YouTube and 3.7m followers on Instagram. He’s one of the most knowledgeable tech reviewers out there, and he often posts photos and videos of the latest tech products he’s testing out.

#28 Lewis Hilsenteger (@Unboxtherapy)

Lewis Hilsenteger is the founder of Unbox Therapy, a YouTube channel and Instagram account that reviews tech products. With over 2m followers, Unbox Therapy is one of the most popular tech channels on Instagram.

Lewis has become an influencer in the tech industry, and his opinions are highly sought after by brands and consumers alike.

#29 Sara Dietschy (@Saradietschy)

Sara Dietschy is among the other tech influencers on Instagram. Thanks to her informative and engaging posts about all things tech, she has amassed over 190k followers on this social media platform. From product reviews to tutorials and tips, this macro influencer is a source of information for anyone looking to stay up-to-date on the latest tech trends.

In addition to her work as an influencer, Sara also has a popular YouTube channel with 850k subscribers.

#30 Judner Aura (@Uravgconsumer)

Judner Aura is a tech geek and one of the most influential voices in the tech space on Instagram. He’s an early adopter of new technology and loves to share his findings with his 301k followers.

Whether you’re looking for advice on the latest iPhone or just want to know what’s trending in the tech world, Judner Aura is a must-follow on Instagram.

#31 Austin Evans (@Austinnotduncan)

One of the other top technology influencers is Austin Evans. He has over 5.3m subscribers on YouTube and 505k Instagram followers. Evans often tests out new gadgets and games and introduces the best technology products, from gaming PCs to smartphones and everything in between.

#32 David J. Malan (@Davidjmalan)

David J. Malan is an American computer scientist and educator who is currently a Professor of Computer Science at Harvard University. David Malan is also known for his work in the area of internet technology.

In recent years, David Malan has turned his attention to the world of social media, and he has been named one of the world’s top tech influencers on Instagram.

#33 Joanna Stern (@Joannastern)

Joanna Stern is among the other tech influencers and columnists on Instagram. She has about 10k Instagram followers and gained fame because of her product reviews and technology tips.

Her account is an excellent option for small brands who want to promote their products and services.

#34 Panos Panay (@ Panospanay)

Panos Panay is the last one on our list of top tech influencers. Panos Panay is the Chief Product Officer at Microsoft. He has more than 25k followers on Instagram and posts about his work at Microsoft as well as other tech topics.

He often shares photos and videos of new products that are in development at Microsoft, which gives his followers a behind-the-scenes look at the company’s work. Panay also uses Instagram to share his thoughts on technology and how it can improve people’s lives.

Why do Technology Influencers Exist?

To answer this question, you would have to put yourself in a tech consumer’s shoes. Suppose you’ve already bought enough gadgets to experience a BSOD – Blue Screen of Death – or a malfunctioning device. In that case, you know how important it is to check out specifications and product reviews before you make a purchasing decision.

Customer reviews and peer-to-peer WoM (Word-of-Mouth) marketing isn’t just enough since, undeniably, no two IT environments are the same. What works in a specific configuration might just not work in the other. There’s so much hype over digital products out there that it’s difficult, if not impossible, to differentiate between fact and fiction.

Another contributing factor to the need for tech influencers is that technology is rapidly evolving. Although Moore’s law is just an unproved perception that is believed to have started to plateau, most IT industry people believe that technology tends to obsolete itself in 18 months. That means what comes out today is averagely outdated in a year and a half, eventually, just as it had for the last 50 years of technology.

Tech influencers help CIOs and PMs navigate IT vendors’ teeming terrain by analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of key industry participants and figuring out the market leaders.

Why Should Product Managers Recruit Tech Influencers?

It’s not always the best technology that wins; sometimes, even if you yield a stronger product than every other business in the industry, some businesses might just promote their product better. In this case, your product wouldn’t even be heard of. In the realm of IT, being second-best doesn’t always work out. Big IT leaders stay at the top of their games. By recruiting tech influencers, product managers can ensure that their products receive the attention they deserve.

There’s a reason why everyone knows about Windows, but an ordinary end-user wouldn’t have probably heard of OS2, although the two started quite similarly. Perhaps OS2 was controversially more functional at the beginning than its counterpart. Microsoft didn’t out-engineer the folks at IBM. It simply out-marketed them.

6 Types Of Tech Influencers

The multiverse of influencer marketing –which houses technology influencing, too– is so varied that it’s quite difficult to point out different types of influencers in the business. There are various kinds of influencers with different authority and reach, and not all of them fall into six neatly designed categories. Nonetheless, product leaders should consider these six classifications as a referential point of view.

1- Analyst corporations

The most prominent and best-known tech influencers are the analyst firms: Gartner, Forrester, Ovum, Yankee Group, 451 Research, and others. Gartner is one of a kind by itself. It was one of the first analyst firms to focus on IT in early development and still has the greatest impression on the market. We even make jokes about no one ever getting fired for buying a vendor in the upper right-hand corner of Gartner’s Magic Quadrant.

2- Innovator and entrepreneurial CIOs

While it’s crucial to include analyst firms in your squad, they aren’t the only influencers. An important class of these influencers often overlooked is the “innovators” and “early adopters.”

Most CIOs are classified into the “Late majority” when adapting to new technologies and taking greater risks. However, there are a few whose company strategies allow for such ventures. They exist in almost every industry, and they boast about their role in helping shape an emerging market. The easiest way to discover them is through trade magazines, online articles, and blogs. These CIOs are most often quoted when an emerging technology or market is publicly introduced.

3- Independent analysts

Some other influencers are classified as independent analysts, where they only specialize in a specific subcategory of the market instead of large analyst firms that cover the entire landscape. Examples include the Tower group, which works with financial services organizations, and ESG, which specializes in infrastructure and hardware. These kinds of influencers could be primary thought leaders since they are so focused on a specific area. Some of these influencers have even been CIOs or tech company CTOs before, and they’re so credible since they have real hands-on experience.

4- Tech bloggers, content creators, YouTubers, and book authors

Another group of tech influencers is bloggers, who could be any type of people, from independent analysts to analysts from big firms who produce their reviews as web-based content. Sometimes these people are just experts with information, expertise, experience with people, and prolific content-producing skills. You could easily measure their impact by merely looking at the number of their followers.

5Trade press

Tech magazines like Computerworld, PCmag, MIT Tech Review, and WIRED all have well-credited tech writers. Newspapers and press releases also fall into this category. The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Financial Times, etc., all have their own tech columns with respected writers on the task.

Media publications like TechCrunch, WIRED, Mashable, and CNET share a fair amount of juice, utilizing strong and technical but casual writers and content creators on the job. Using these resources for your content could come in handy when implementing the “influence the influencer” strategy.

6Leading IT vendors

Eventually, we can’t simply ignore the impact of the industry’s most influential vendors: large superlative firms such as IBM, Microsoft, Apple, Google, Cisco, Oracle, etc. If these companies endorse your brand or product, or partner up with your business, you could win the game point in the name-recognition war against your rivals. Companies like IBM and Google could grant you instant credibility with their big reach and influential audience.


Promoting your brand is just as important as its quality in the marketing world. That’s where tech influencers are needed to make a digital product or service known to customers. It is one of the most effective marketing methods to promote a product people are likely to buy, which is called Word-Of-Mouth marketing. Suppose you’re looking into partnering with a tech influencer to promote your brand or product. In that case, there are at least six distinct types of marketers classified as tech influencers that you need to consider.

Based on your business’s requirements and the marketability of your product, you should find and choose the best type of tech influencer to promote your brand. This article will hopefully assist you in doing so.

1- How do I find good influencers for my brand?

The first step is to find relevant influencers. This can be done by using keywords and social media platforms like Instagram.
Once you have a list of potential influencers, it’s important to research their backgrounds and make sure they are a good fit for your brand.
After choosing the influencers, it’s time to reach out to them and start building a relationship. This can be done through the Ainfluencer marketplace. Be sure to provide them with clear guidelines and expectations for working together.
Finally, be patient and keep track of your progress. It may take some time to find the right influencer for your brand, but it will be worth it in the end.

2- What are the key platforms used by influencers?

There are a few key platforms that most influencers use to share their content. These platforms include websites, social media, and video channels.
Many influencers have their own websites where they share their thoughts and ideas about various topics.
Social media platforms such as Instagram are another popular platform for influencers. They can use social media to share photos, videos, and articles. They can also use social media to connect with other people in their industry or field.
Finally, many influencers use video channels such as YouTube to share their content. This is also a great way to reach a large audience and connect with people who are interested in the same things that they are.

Cyrus Nambakhsh

Cyrus is a serial entrepreneur, product-led-growth expert, a product visionary who launched 7 startups. He has built scalable platforms to help businesses and entrepreneurs. Contact: Cyrus@ainfluencer.com