10 Trends Shaping the Future of Instagram Marketing

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Instagram has been growing more rapidly since it has got more exposure in the world of online marketing. Moreover, several game-changers like the recent pandemic have made it difficult to foresee how the future of Instagram marketing will be shaped in 2021.

At this point, trends play a major role in brands’ business strategy. Here are 10 trends that companies should be aware of:

1- Instagram e-commerce Tools

Instagram offers different tools to improve its users’ experience in the buying and selling of goods and services. These are the important tools you can put to good use.

Instagram e-commerce Tools

2- Instagram Shoppable Posts

It has been quite a challenge to keep customers in the Instagram app from discovering a product to checking out.

Another issue is to share clickable links in a caption or tag products.

However, shoppable posts are a good solution if you can use this feature. The following steps show you how you can start using shoppable posts.

  1. You should be in one of these countries: the US, Canada, Australia, Brazil, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, or the UK.
  2. You need to switch to the business account
  3. Update your Instagram
  4. You must sell physical goods that comply with Instagram’s merchant agreement and commerce policies
  5. Connect your business profile to the product catalog that you have created on your Facebook
Instagram Shoppable Posts

3- Instagram Stories Stickers

Instagram stories are inseparable from online marketing these days. From swipe up, links shared to stories to many and various stickers that they can use to their advantage, they are all intriguing by both companies and their followers.

Now you can simply tap on a sticker to learn more about a product so that you can decide easier to whether or not finalize your purchase.

Stories Stickers

4- Shopping from Instagram creators

This feature gives influencers and creators the ability to sell the products from the brands they are collaborating with. Their followers will be able to tap “view products”, and purchase the tagged product using Instagram checkout.

Although at the moment a limited number of creators can tag brands’ products in their post, this could become a major feature shaping the future of Instagram marketing.

5- Instagram Checkout

Fortunately, this feature is now available to all eligible businesses, allowing the users finalizing their purchase without leaving the Instagram app at all.

Instagram creators

6- Instagram Live Shopping

Sell your products while your followers are viewing you live. Products are shown at the bottom of the live screen, so viewers can easily tap to purchase.

Let viewers experience the product and give them clear instructions on how they can buy that product. Keep in mind that going live is one of the most effective ways to connect with your followers. at the moment, this feature is available for the accounts that are also using checkout, but this is such an intriguing innovation that it is very likely to be one the must-have features in Instagram marketing in the future.

As Instagram has officially joined the e-commerce industry with the introductions of Instagram shop, it will soon turn into a one-stop shop for everything, from discovering to finalizing a purchase.

Also read: 5 Sales Funnel Best Practices That Will Transform Your Business

7- Instagram Short-form Video Content

This significant change was made by TikTok which quickly took over the world in 2020, however, Instagram seized the opportunity when it started to get banned and introduced Instagram Reels to the world.

These 15-second videos allow you to edit sound, text, special effects, and tags to make your videos as engaging as you wish. You can add them to your reels tab, share them in your stories, or send them directly to specific users.

Although Instagram carousel posts and memes are already popular, their popularity is expected to even grow more. In order to generate more excitement, a single-photo post may not be enough. In addition to showing one product in multiple photos to show off its details, you can share products’ different colors, styles, and other variations.

See also  Top 10 Instagram Clothing Brands You Need To Check This Year

Here are some great ideas to utilize Instagram carousel posts effectively:

  • Promote a new product
  • Delve into the details
  • Reveal a before and after photo
  • Showcase your customers’ opinion on a product
Instagram Carousel Posts

9- Diversity and Inclusion

Clearly, the growth of Instagram marketing is increasing a need for diversity. Here are the examples of some brands that have already taken this matter seriously.

  • Sephora
    With the aim of building up long-term relationships, the French beauty brand has announced a search for new influencers regardless of their followings and asked their audience to vouch for them.
  • Aerie
    They tried increasing diversity and inclusion in 2014 for the first time when they asked non-professional women models to wear their underwear. Their message was to inspire women’s confidence regardless of their size or shape.
  • Cover Girl
    The cosmetic brand supports the differences in women’s ethnicity, physical traits, and backgrounds, and with their celebrity ambassadors, they encourage women all around the globe to be who they want to be. Furthermore, they also started the first boy CoverGirl model in 2016.

10- Instagram Influencers

Instagram is the top platform for influencers promises a massive boost in influencer marketing like never before. Needless to say, they will have a whole host of new features and tools to expand their network and develop long-term partnerships with brands.

Additionally, the impact of Covid-19 on online marketing is undeniable as in 2020, about 80% of influencers reported to have seen an increase in their engagement rate, and with brands turning to online marketing more than ever, the future for influencers is bound to be promising.    

  • Authenticity
    Are you tired of boasting about your so-called “perfect life” on social media platforms? Well, you are not alone as loneliness and self-esteem have been 2020’s main topics on Instagram.
    This huge shift towards being your true self has not only affected normal users but has also encouraged many influencers to share more authentic content and replace all those filters with reality.
  • Microblogging
    The more minimalist, the merrier? If you think so, then you should agree to disagree with many creators who use Instagram as a place for longer content. As mini-blogs are expected to blossom in 2021, more creators will use this feature to share recommendations, educate their communities and monetize them with Instagram Guides
  • Virtual Events
    Social media users saw an unprecedented virtual brand activation since the pandemic and lockdowns lingered on, and now even as the world is gradually opening up, virtual events are predicted to remain a growing trend in the future.
    2021 has already proved to be an auspicious beginning for more Instagram lives, virtual conferences, and events.


Instagram TV, also known as IGTV, is another popular tool with brands, influencers, and even normal users. Given its popularity, IGTV as an effective way to promote a brand in a video longer than 60 seconds, give instructions for a CTA (Call-to-Action) button, and share a link will be increasingly used by creators.

10. AR Filters

Augmented Reality filters are CG effects layered over a real-life image. Many companies can benefit from this feature to promote their products. For example, cosmetics companies can allow their users to select different shades while applying them to their real image so that they can make a clearer decision.

One thing that you can be sure about is that this feature will be all the rage on Instagram marketing soon.


Although 2020 showed everyone that future is not easy to predict, the analysis and experience that we accumulate guide us towards our future path. Having tracked these 10 potential trends, employing them will bring more success for you as an Instagram marketer.

Which ones did you find more intriguing and look forward to seeing them developed in the future?  

Cyrus Nambakhsh

Cyrus is a serial entrepreneur, product-led-growth expert, a product visionary who launched 7 startups. He has built scalable platforms to help businesses and entrepreneurs. Contact: Cyrus@ainfluencer.com