5 Things to Tell Your Local Influencer Before Any Campaign

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You’ve found your ideal influencer(s), and you’re ready to begin marketing campaigns with them.

But hold on, you might be jumping the gun here.

When using local influencer marketing as part of your general marketing strategy, you should first adjust the details of the briefing sessions with influencers.

Writing a brief is not tricky.

It would be best to consider factors such as your brand’s core values and some executive guidelines for the influencer(s).

So let’s dive in to find out more about other elements you can add to these briefings.

What Points Should Be Considered About Briefs?

An influencer brief is a critical document to help influencers better understand your brand’s purposes and perhaps become interested in seamless collaboration.

These briefs set clear instructions and expectations for everyone involved.

  1. The brief must be written.

Usually, most of the information we exchange is verbal, so some parts of a brief may be forgotten or misunderstood. For this reason, every brief must be written so that both the brand and the influencers or agencies can refer to it and check the details and items if required.

  1. The brief must be accurate and transparent.

Furthermore, the more precise and clear a brief is, the less sudden and unexpected changes the campaign will experience. This will result in a more consistent campaign. In turn, it can also lead to clearer and practical end-analysis and more effective campaigns in the future. 

What Does a Well-Detailed Brief Include?

Answering the questions below will help you find out what you should add to any briefing with influencers:

  • What is the personality of the campaign audience? (Target audience personality)
  • What does this campaign provide to the audience? (Advantage(s) of the campaign)
  • What is the name and slogan of the campaign? (Campaign message)
  • Why is the brand launching this campaign, and what are the achievements? (Campaign goals)
  • How long is the campaign going to take?
  • What media channels should the campaign use? (Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, …)
  • How much is the budget for the campaign for each media?
  • What are some other side issues that should be considered?

Here are Five Crucial Points to Tell Your Local Influencer Before any Campaign:

Define Goals for your Influencer Marketing Campaign 

Goals are one of the essential parts of any marketing campaign.

Both the influencers and their business collaborators must be on the same page about their objectives.

One superb goal you as an owner or a marketer can set is to advertise what you sell using influencer marketing.

Influencer marketing is an excellent alternate option to advertising.

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Indeed, the #1 goal of every business is to increase sales with advertising.

But should advertising always be aimed at increasing sales? Definitely not.

In our case, advertising becomes one of the methods that should positively impact the key performance indicators.

Other purposes of advertising can be:

  1. Establishing meaningful communication with the target market and creating a relationship with the right audience.
  2. Boosting any brand-relevant factors such as increasing brand awareness or creating positive brand associations.
  3. Increasing customer demand for more information such as brochures and catalogs.

The vital point to keep in mind is that an advertising campaign can target all or some of the above.

Address product or service information

A local influencer must be familiar with the product or service lifecycle to better understand the campaign.

A product in the market during its introduction period requires completely different conditions in terms of advertising strategies compared to a product near the end of its lifecycle. 

Paying attention to this subject helps a lot in budgeting and choosing the media in planning an advertising campaign.

Craft a campaign message

What message are brands or businesses supposed to give to the audience based on their campaign’s goals?

What’s highly important in preparing a message is that it should be simple and to the point.

Local Influencers engage with their audiences by delivering creative messages.

Including all these in your brief will have a positive impact on the influencer’s creativity that’s in line with your brand’s voice.

Choose the suitable media.

As you know, people are interested in various media based on their lifestyle and other factors.

That’s why brands need to know what media their audience uses to properly manage the campaign budget, accounting for up to 80% of the campaign’s total costs.

Another to consider is the display timing of any relevant campaign ads (duration and repetition).

  • How long and with how many times should the ads be displayed in each media?
  • What information should be included in each ad to accurately obtain the campaign’s objectives?

Determine the budget

Finally, your next challenging task is to determine the budget.

You need to precisely know how much your business wants to spend on local influencer marketing campaigns.

If your campaign involves payment of any type, remember to include all terms and conditions in the agreement so influencers know what to expect.

The payment section of your brief should include:

  • Compensation type (Flat amount, commissions, etc.)
  • Payment method
  • Payment date
  • Terms and conditions about payment

Wrapping it up

Everybody thinks local influencer marketing is only when you let people who are influential within a local community post online content for you.

That’s the only objective for most people intending to adopt this marketing strategy as their primary method for promoting what they sell.

But really, it’s not that simple.

The proper local influencer marketing brief should contain all the information we provided in this article.

You also have the option to use Ainfluencer’s services and make it easier to go through all the steps by using a do-it-yourself influencer marketing platform.

Don’t miss the opportunity to register and post a FREE offer and invite influencers to your campaigns.

Cyrus Nambakhsh

Cyrus is a serial entrepreneur, product-led-growth expert, a product visionary who launched 7 startups. He has built scalable platforms to help businesses and entrepreneurs. Contact: Cyrus@ainfluencer.com