Does Instagram Notify When You Screenshot A Story? The Best Answer in 2024

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Sadly, Instagram stories disappear after 24 hours. But what if you came across a story you wanted to share with someone who doesn’t follow that account? What would be your next move? The only option left is to take a screenshot. But have you ever hesitated before taking one, wondering if the person would find out about you sharing their pictures? The only question that comes to mind is: Does Instagram notify you when you screenshot a story?

People take screenshots of stories on social media like Instagram, Snapchat, or Facebook for many simple reasons. Some do it to keep important information, like recipes or advice, to look at later. Others want to save special Instagram memories or show friends what they saw. So, taking a screenshot can be helpful in many ways, from saving something for yourself to sharing and working with others.

In this article, we’ll explain all about Instagram stories so you can decide if taking a screenshot is a good idea.

Does Instagram Notify When You Screenshot a Story?

There is only one word to answer that question: NO. Although Instagram tested this feature in February 2018, they have decided not to have it. Instagram stories vanish within 24 hours; if you don’t take a screenshot, you and your friends will lose it forever. After all, nobody wants to miss out on good gossip.

Instagram won’t send notifications when you take a screenshot of someone’s stories. So, the answer to the question, ‘Can people see if you screenshot their Instagram story?’ is NO.

Does Instagram Notify When You Screenshot a Post?

Firstly, you don’t even need to screenshot a post. Why would you when you can simply save it? Screenshotting a post will only give a picture with minimum quality. But to answer the question, ‘Does Instagram notify you when you screenshot a post?’—the answer is also NO.

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Read also: The best time to post on Instagram.

Does Instagram Notify When You Screenshot a Profile?

To answer this question, this one is also a big NO. Again, you don’t have to screenshot their profile. Instagram has this option to share anybody’s profile with whomever you want. You can copy the profile URL and paste it whenever you want. Here is how to do it:

How to Share a Profile
How to Share a Profile

1. Click the three dots in the top right-hand corner,

2. Then choose ‘Share this profile’ and send it to someone else.

Does Instagram Notify You When You Screenshot a DM?

Finally, we have a different answer for you. Instagram will notify you when you screenshot vanishing media like a message or a photo through DMs. The only way you can capture that message as a screenshot is to record it with a screen recorder and then take a screenshot of that recording.


According to what we have told you, Instagram doesn’t notify people if you screenshot their story. Remember that Instagram can change its features, so it’s a good idea to check the app settings and privacy policies for any updates. Always respect others’ privacy when using social media and stay informed about the platform’s rules.


1. Can You Tell If Someone Screenshots Your Instagram Story?

Simply put, no, Instagram does not notify you when someone takes a screenshot of your Story. Although there was a brief period in February 2018 when Instagram tested this feature, it was not implemented, and currently, there are no notifications for Story screenshots.

2. Does Instagram Notify When You Screenshot a DM Picture?

Simply put, Instagram won’t notify someone if you take a screenshot of your private conversation’s direct messages (DMs). However, they will notify you if you are using the vanishing mode.


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