How Can Content Marketing Make a Huge Impact on Your Print-On-Demand Store?

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There can be several reasons why your print-on-demand (POD) store is receiving little traffic. To begin with, you may be overspending on one type of media while ignoring others. People disregard your brand, and you lose out on potential profits and many others. 

If you are not getting reasonable sales on your online store, it’s time to rethink your brand marketing strategies and move towards an effective one. While talking about that, content marketing is a comprehensive method of advertising your customized products into white label products via many types of media. 

What is Content Marketing? 

A strategic marketing method called “content marketing” is centered on producing and disseminating useful, relevant, and pertinent information about a certain product, brand, or service. 

Ebooks, blog entries, infographics, short videos, essays, and other types of media are all examples of content involved in this marketing tactic. 

Content production doesn’t overtly teach the target audience about a company using only one media, unlike traditional marketing strategies. Instead, it educates people about the value of a product or service. It depends on readers whether they find it useful or not!

Content Marketing Stats 2022

  • 90% of marketers who use content marketing want to continue spending in the channel in 2022. 
  • Videos, photos, blogs, and infographics are the top four forms that marketers use in their content strategy. 
  • Google’s search engines are attempting to go beyond text to include photos, voice/podcasts, and videos.
Average hours of online video watched per week

Keeping these stats in mind, you can only imagine how content marketing for print-on-demand businesses can be a game changer. 

Why Content Marketing Is Essential for a POD Store?

A good content marketing strategy offers people beneficial information. This is why businesses allocated more than 40% of their B2C spending to content marketing in 2021. Additionally, they could allocate more than 60% of their B2B expenditures on content marketing in 2022 as well. 

1- Quality Content Helps in Building Customer Loyalty 

Relevant and quality content is your passport to gaining the attention of your audience and establishing a strong brand image. It acts as your brand ambassador to your audience, which can always bring good returns in the long run.

For example, if you are selling custom towels, you can show your latest prints and designs via short videos, and social media posts and inform your customers through infographics and Instagram reels. 

Your potential customer will feel intrigued by the uniqueness and innovation of your products. In this way, you will not only be able to build an admirable brand image, but your exposure on digital and social platforms will also boost tremendously. 

2- You Can Get Great Brand Fans through Right Content Marketing 

Sharing memes and content that your audience can relate to is an excellent way to increase your brand’s fans. 

In fact, fans of a brand are likely to have the same buying power as potential customers in influencing their friends and relatives. 

You can do this through various online activities, such as giveaways, Insta reviews, Meta Live interactions, etc. 

3- More Conversions with Less Investment 

You have to have content marketing if you want more people to click “Add to Cart.” Many businesses spend a fortune on billboard advertisements, but nearly no one becomes interested in their brand. 

Content marketing, on the other hand, is a low-cost digital marketing method that may generate three times the number of leads. With quality and regular content, you can increase brand awareness while spending less on content marketing and more on other marketing aspects like your facebook audience growth.

See also  How Amazon Influencer Marketing Can Boost Your Brand's Visibility In 2023

If you want to increase traffic to your print-on-demand store, try employing creative graphics instead of stock photographs. 

Moreover, your content should always have a CTA that directs your reader to the next step. It allows your audience to interact with you and provides them with the knowledge they need to make informed purchases.

4- It Uplifts Your Ranking on SERPs 

There has never been a better moment to add content score analytics into your marketing campaign as more firms boost their content marketing spend. 

Your content should display your competence in making your custom products while also answering the questions of your readers.

 If your blog, for instance, is seen as a reliable source of information, you are more likely to rank higher in search engines like Google and Bing. 

5- Drive Leads from Social & Digital Platforms 

Sales leads will increasingly originate through your company’s website/store, blog, or social media accounts. Your small POD business will have a way to encourage and nurture leads online with the help of an efficient content marketing automation package.

The most effective way of doing that is by creating a timetable for the publication of particular material on your store/website, blog, and social media channels. Creating such timetables and scheduling content can be made easy by using social media management tools or by hiring a social media manager. 

Simply do the research to see what is right for you – look into social media management pricing, the offered services, and tools that will best suit your business vision.

Another effective way of driving leads from social media platforms is influencer marketing. Creating and running influencer marketing campaigns is a kind of time consuming and daunting task. But this can be made easy and fast by taking advantage of a quality influencer marketplace like Ainfluencer.

This DIY marketplace acts as a middleman that helps both influencers and brands connect and collaborate. Brands can simply make use of custom search filters such as location, category, hashtag, language, gender, etc. to explore and invite target influencers to collab.


Ainfluencer’s built-in chatbox lets both parties negotiate their terms and close deals in the app.

Give Ainfluencer a try

Tips to Improve Your Marketing Game With Content Score

The effectiveness of your brand marketing initiatives mostly depends on what kind of content you create. You can provide material that truly resonates with your audience’s needs. 

  • Marketing professionals may select resources that are more likely to generate and convert leads by using the content score. It is an accurate and foresighted approach to assessing a piece of content’s potential for interaction.
  • Whichever engagement measure has the most impactful influence on your content should serve as the cornerstone of your strategy. It can be either page views or shares.
  • You can easily repeat your success time and time after you’ve determined the content kinds that are effective for a certain consumer category.
  • Furthermore, if no one is reading it, there is no purpose in producing excellent content. Choose the approach you’ll use to get your just published material in the hands of your intended audience.
  • To connect with your target audience, it’s important to employ the appropriate content and tone. Then, use content marketing post-sale to strengthen your brand and keep consumers.
  • To connect with your target audience and drive organic traffic, it’s important to employ the appropriate content in the appropriate tone. Informing potential clients can help you establish trust and long-lasting collaborations.
  • It’s crucial to constantly have an objective in mind for what you hope to accomplish with each piece of content you produce. You’ll want all of your articles to eventually lead to sales. And for that, you must identify the content kinds that attract your target market to produce content that is in line with the goals of your print-on-demand business. 


You can develop brand loyalty and drive more visitors to your store with hard work and the right plan. It takes more than a weekend to develop a content plan for your digital marketing. 

To make sure you’re giving your target clients excellent content, you need to be consistent and have a clear idea of the vision and mission of your brand. 

Cyrus Nambakhsh

Cyrus is a serial entrepreneur, product-led-growth expert, a product visionary who launched 7 startups. He has built scalable platforms to help businesses and entrepreneurs. Contact: