The Role of Social Media Influencers in Preventing Diabetes

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Social media tech giants are the kings of the twenty-first century. Thanks to their widely used apps, Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk are household names. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok are the most popular. Social networks work wonders when it comes to spreading information. Of course, it’s difficult to skim through everything that’s been thrown at us. Most people just use them for entertainment or to follow celebrities.

However, there’s a relatively large and effective part of them that it’s great at educating. It does so by tackling all sorts of issues in our society, including health or mental problems. In our Information Age, different types of influencers on various media affect severe illnesses like diabetes. They have gained considerable followers and upload their life experiences online. As a result, they are creating awareness about living with diabetes.

Social Media and Diabetes

There are many reasons behind this disease. Some are genetically prone to it, while others just get it due to environmental factors. What is certain is that, as a chronic illness, diabetes patient rates seem to be on the rise. No precise causes are known for the build-up of sugar levels in the bloodstream. The consequent problems that drive from it are also not researched enough. If left untreated, it is dangerous and life-threatening. However, it’s not impossible to think this is due to unhealthy lifestyles, aside from genetic predisposition.

Generating awareness is crucial for all diseases, and several traditional methods are already in place. Something new, however, came with the internet personalities. Influencers share ways their followers could prevent developing the condition. They help spread information on the topic, make it more familiar, and raise consciousness. This is particularly useful since social networks are popular with young people. Knowing the issue and taking precautions make them more likely to avoid it in adulthood.

There are a lot of other internet resources that contain a lot of useful information on the topic. Students tend to look for diabetes essay examples on StudyDriver, as they analyze the issue extensively. Social media still plays a key role, though. For example, there are people like @anita_nicole_brown. She bravely shows the tediousness of checking her health. This inspires others to study the disease actively and spot signs earlier than they would have without exposure to such images.

Types of Diabetes

There are different types of diabetes:

Type 1: when your immune system kills the cells that produce insulin in your body.

Type 2: your body does not produce enough or any insulin, or your cells do not react appropriately to it in your system.

Pre-diabetes: when you have high blood glucose levels but fall just short of a diabetes diagnosis. Lifestyle changes help offset a pre-diabetes diagnosis.

Type 1 is generally developed at a young age and is considered an autoimmune disease. As for all forms, the cause behind it is unclear. The most likely theory is that it is triggered by one, or a mix, of genetic, environmental, and immune-responsive scenarios.

Type 2, on the contrary, appears during adulthood. The symptoms are pretty similar to Type 1, but there are some differences. The causes are very likely to be linked to the aging of the body and factors like stress or sedentary life.

You can prevent developing Type 2 diabetes through specific lifestyle changes. This includes losing excessive weight, eating healthier foods, and being active. Influencers proudly promote these aspects. 

Spreading Awareness

Children should be aware of the condition they or someone else might have. Also, it’s important to always know how teachers can help students with diabetes in the classroom. Professors can use a diabetes research paper example to inform kids. Examining it with schoolchildren starts a conversation about the condition and increases awareness.

Yet, students don’t always listen to their teachers. That’s why a new form of information sharing occurs on the internet. A sample research paper on diabetes isn’t as engaging as a 90-second video. Diabetes essay examples aren’t as appealing as colorful infographics or anecdotes. For people who deal with diabetic issues day-to-day, discussing their experience is more impactful. It keeps kids engaged and willing to study the issue. This engagement, through a like or a comment, tells the app algorithms to show more of this content. And a higher number of people will have access to it.

Many social network influencers model their online presence around positive habits. Diabetic influencers are no different. Maintaining a high level of health is essential in limiting the adverse effects of the condition. Web content is a fast way to influence people to watch their diet and exercise. It also provides entertaining, short-form content informing young people about the illness and creative ways to deal with it.

Promoting Diabetes Awareness

Diabetes is a word heard often but not easily understood. It is a chronic illness associated with high blood sugar levels. The body cannot produce enough insulin to decrease blood glucose levels. Sufferers experience heart or eye diseases and even kidney failures as a result. In 2021, the International Diabetes Federation reported that more than half a billion adults have the disease worldwide. Having it in childhood is also on the rise. An awareness of the condition’s cause and effect is critical to reducing the chances of its developing in adolescence.

Social media users like @Anita_Nicole_Brown promote diabetes awareness. This helps uninformed people recognize the signs of the condition. As an aspiring actress, her 12k followers may follow her as a lifestyle influencer and instead find out about the illness. Her posts illustrate the devices she uses to take her blood, check her sugar levels and administer insulin. She shows how to live with the condition and the drawbacks related to it, but not all is shown in negative terms.

However, there are many other ways to raise awareness on the subject. For example, the month of November is dedicated to increasing consciousness about the disease. There are several initiatives to teach the public what to do to prevent it and what living with the condition is like. There are fundraising events to promote research but also to provide solutions to some everyday problems. From sophisticated tools to simple recipe sharing, there are always plenty of ways to keep on improving the life of diabetics.

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The Effect of Social Media on People With Diabetes

When people get a diabetes diagnosis, it is an overwhelming feeling. Fear of the disease and conflicting information online make you feel lost. Figuring out what’s best is difficult. Social platforms are helpful to the diabetes community as it creates a sense of understanding. They have places on the internet to seek information from fellow sufferers. Personal stories and relatable photos help people feel connected to their diagnosis and provide comfort to the rising number of patients.

The pharmaceutical industry is vast and full of products to alleviate diabetic pain. With so many products to choose from, influencers provide an insight into what works best for them. Showing how the products work on themselves, they then recommend the product to their followers. This guidance is valuable and gives necessary products to those who need them the most.

Most Followed Diabetes Influencers

Social networking sites are full of motivating diabetic influencers and medical professionals. Let’s go through some of the most followed diabetes content creators.

Note: There are influencer marketplaces like Ainfluencer out there that can help you find the most followed diabetes influencers. This marketplace’s AI-powered search engine lets you swatch through thousands of qualified influencers and filter them based on location, hashtag, category, gender, etc. to target your desired influencer with ease.



With over 46k followers, @thehangrywoman is the most followed diabetic account. Run by Mila Clarke, it contains helpful recipes for people with Type 1.5 diabetes. Food is a massive part of recovery. The food you eat can increase blood sugar levels and insulin production. Mila Clarke’s recipes guide people in preparing healthy and delicious treats. This account is for those who want to be health-conscious and live life to the fullest.


Jillian is a popular lifestyle and wellness influencer with almost 50k followers. Her tagline says it all, ‘Living beyond Type 1 diabetes’. Followers see reels of Jillian using diabetic equipment to test blood glucose levels and ‘hauls’. She reveals the honest reality of living with the condition and how she remains positive on her most challenging days.


As we have mentioned, Anita is an aspiring American actress whose health features in her feed. She is showing her 12.9k followers valuable tricks to live happier lives with their illnesses. Anita models how she adjusts her daily insulin delivery, using an Omnipod device for insulin pump therapy.


The social network app TikTok has taken off over the last few years, especially with the younger generations. Sierra Ortiz has 78k followers and uses her Dexcom G6 to normalize diabetic treatment gear teenagers wear. The Dexcom G6 monitors blood sugar levels in real time, updating the wearer every five minutes. Some of her most popular TikToks include people’s reactions to the device on her arm and how she normalizes their weird stares and attention. Sierra’s focus is on being confident about her condition.


This account is an excellent resource for up-to-date results and studies. They boast almost 10k followers. Their goal is to #curediabetes and regularly upload content to raise diabetes awareness. Going to a doctor and getting checked is their top tip to their followers.


A writer and a popular Instagram account, Kerri Sparling shares health guidance. She’s followed by almost 10k people. She’s lived with Type 1 diabetes for thirty years. Kerri shares valuable tips with others having the same condition, like inspirational videos and workout benefits. She is a tour-de-force in content creation and regularly publishes on her account, cultivating a strong following. The poems and works she shares from other diabetic creators in each post also help her followers deal with loneliness in their battle.

Virtual Help Groups Affect the Well-Being of Diabetic Patients

In a recent study, the International Association for Media and Communication Research stated that diabetic sufferers are ‘more motivated and proactive in virtual interactive conditions to gain emotional support and manage their illness’. Being on the web removes any social anxiety a patient may have to see a doctor. It also allows them to find the help they need. Human interaction is a necessary part of life and invaluable to those with this health condition. As a user, you interact with their content and talk with others in the comments.

Each Facebook and Instagram influencer listed above has a virtual help group for their diabetic followers. They do this by providing insight into their way of managing their illness. Their supporters share their own experiences and ask for help in various ways. The comment sections below photos or videos are the most used. Private messaging is useful for the shyest ones. Whatever the method, they feel like their problems are relatable. And, with the reassurance of others, it is less frightening. It’s the two-way conversation that provides the real benefit to their mental health, too.


Every year, the number of diabetic patients increases worldwide. It’s true that with the rise in social media, the internet spreads information faster than before. This is positive for the diabetic population, as facing the illness alone is overwhelming. Showing resources has never been more accessible. On media platforms, creators provide entertaining and digestible content related to living with the condition. More than that, they provide moral help and inspiration to their followers on days when it seems too much. Their large followings highlight how vital the illness’s visibility is for those suffering.

The healthcare industry works with these creators to highlight the best methods to deal with the condition. A helpful aspect of influencer culture is its connection to marketing. Nowadays, brands sponsor influencers to promote their products. It’s one of the avenues creators use to earn a living. Users avail of discounts from their favorite influencers if they feel the product might help their issues.

Following creators who share your struggles helps you navigate a confusing time. A diabetes diagnosis is difficult, so connecting virtually with people in your situation is essential. Not only for recommendations on medical devices or managing a diet with diabetes but for mental health benefits, too.

Cyrus Nambakhsh

Cyrus is a serial entrepreneur, product-led-growth expert, a product visionary who launched 7 startups. He has built scalable platforms to help businesses and entrepreneurs. Contact: