10 Seasonal Marketing Strategies + Benefits

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Thanksgiving, Easter, Halloween, and Black Friday are all yearly occurrences that attract many people to the web. Brands know seasonal differences exist in consumer demand for many goods and services.

Sales can either be hurt or helped by the holidays. People in your target demographic may temporarily forget about you over the winter and summer months. To that end, how can you adapt your digital marketing approach to account for the ebb and flow of the seasons?

The solution lies in increasing the proportion of seasonal advertising.

Seasonal changes present tremendous possibilities for expanding your customer base, growing your email list, boosting conversion rates, and boosting sales. Many companies have cyclical ups and downs due to eCommerce seasonality factors like the forthcoming holiday season, summer vacation season, and every season. To give one seasonal marketing example, the period between Thanksgiving and New Year’s is typically very prosperous for retailers.

What Is Seasonal Marketing?

“Seasonal marketing” refers to a brand marketing strategy that leverages seasonal and holiday themes to promote and sell goods and services.

It’s an optional shift in your regular marketing strategy to incorporate novel aspects for a limited time.

These transitory endeavors feature the themes, colors, figures, narratives, and more of particular holidays or connect to a single season.

A seasonal market, in other words, is a method of capitalizing on pre-existing occasions like holidays and seasonal events.

In the United States, some of the most anticipated times for seasonal product promotion are:

  • Black Friday/Cyber Monday
  • Thanksgiving
  • New Year’s Eve
  • Easter
  • Halloween
  • Valentine’s Day
  • Christmas

10 Ways to Capitalize on Your Seasonal Marketing Strategy

10 Ways to Capitalize on Your Seasonal Marketing Strategy

1. Embrace the seasonal market with influencers 

One of the best seasonal marketing examples is collaboration with influencers.

They have a dedicated fan base full of people who value their insight and engage with their posts. This dedication makes them invaluable allies for brands aiming to rise above social media clutter and connect with new audiences.

If you want to find influencers and connect with them fast and efficiently, a quality influencer marketplace can help you meet your needs.

Ainfluencer is one of the best and most trusted influencer marketplaces where brands can identify the ideal influencer with whom to collaborate in time for the holiday shopping season, giving businesses a significant boost to sales during the busiest shopping period of the year.

Ainfluencer doesn’t cost anything and is quite simple to operate. Using Ainfluencer, brands and influencers can find and contact each other to negotiate the terms of influencer marketing campaigns and close deals.

Brands can use Ainfluencer’s powerful search options to identify and connect with suitable influencers for collaboration based on various criteria, such as geography, gender, language, hashtags, follower count, and more.

Sign up on Ainfluencer

2. Repeat Past Successful Marketing Campaigns

Think back on seasonal ads that worked in the past and do them again. Today, several firms always have the same promotion throughout the exact times of the year. Customers learn to anticipate this eCommerce seasonality, look forward to them, and act swiftly when presented with the opportunity.

Increased brand loyalty and interest from new clients are two outcomes of recycling successful promotions from the past. A successful seasonal marketing effort can be repeated on Black Friday, giving clients another chance to anticipate and seek out the deals you offer.

3. Match your Social Media Content with your Seasonal Marketing Strategy

The success of your seasonal marketing strategy will depend heavily on the social media content you create. Be consistent in your approach across all your online channels, whether promoting something on your website, sending it to your email list, talking about it on your blog, or including it in another way.

Throw in some freebies, solicit user-generated content, and get people involved with some polls and quizzes. If you do it right, people will be more interested in your website and more likely to sign up for your email list, interact with your brand, and take advantage of your seasonal advertising discounts.

4. Encourage User-Generated Content

In today’s digital age, user-generated content (UGC) is more important than ever for promoting brands on social media. Encourage your audience to provide seasonal content as part of your marketing strategy.

Give your target market something of value in exchange for good mentions of your business in social media posts or images taken with your product. Encourage them to utilize branded hashtags in their posts and tag your company to be alerted promptly.

When you have the author’s approval, republishing this content will add a lot of excitement to your marketing strategy.

5. Increase Your Ad Spending

Keep an eye on your metrics to see when your traffic usually spikes. Then, increase your spending limits (particularly when employing Target ROAS Smart Bidding or Smart Shopping) to cash in on the high demand.

 Ads should be shown during peak traffic times. Thus it’s essential to allow for time-of-day bid adjustments.

6. Add Gift Wrapping at Checkout

Numerous holiday celebrations necessitate the purchase of presents, which causes considerable stress for many shoppers.

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Finding the right present is a headache in and of itself, but then there’s also the hassle of wrapping it up nicely.

A gift-wrapping option on your website is a terrific way to provide a convenient extra service to your clients.

Mac Gift Wrapping option at check out

7. Build Anticipation with a Countdown Timer

The expectation of a significant event is one of life’s greatest pleasures.

Creating buzz and generating excitement for what’s to come can be facilitated by building anticipation for these events. Be sure to announce your seasonal discounts to your whole customer base. Many potential attendees will only bother returning if they know it’s happening.

Adding a popup with a countdown timer is a great approach to get people excited about an upcoming deal on your site. Returning visitors are likelier to buy from a website that displays popups advertising upcoming seasonal bargains and other activities.

8. Build a Seasonal Email List

It’s a good idea to work on developing a quality email list. But during seasonal marketing, you should categorize and segment new signups by seasonal interest to make the most of the additional traffic. 

That’s why it’s essential to tie the seasonal product list into your opt-in incentive so you can use the data you gather to send seasonal content and promotions to your newly acquired inventory of customers. Creating a targeted email list in advance of a seasonal event like Black Friday can ensure an increase in revenue.

Inch2 Emailing list

“Inch2” stays faithful to itself. It’s easy to read and uncluttered, making email a pleasure. They use classical hues (black, white, and red) and keep aggressive.

9. Research Your Top Competitors

If you want to distinguish yourself from the crowd, it helps to grasp who you’re competing against. Examine the seasonal advertising strategies of your main competitors to see if there are any voids you may fill.

Have they made use of branded content? Do their social media profiles suggest that they are constantly updating content?

Also, watch out for recycling old marketing strategies from the previous year. Was there a competition held that was comparable to the one you had planned to host this year? If so, adjust your strategy as needed to set your company apart.

10. Plan Your Seasonal Marketing in the Off-Season

Nobody has time to worry about advertising after the busy season has begun. The demands of a thriving business are placing strains on you as you strive to fulfill orders, manage inventory, and respond to customer service inquiries. 

While you may have had a bit more spare time to devote to strategic marketing planning a month ago, that time has likely vanished.

Fortunately, even when business is slow, there is still much to do. Ensure your seasonal advertising plan is in place before the busy season begins.

Now is the time to conduct the necessary research about your seasonal fluctuations. To understand the big picture of your marketing, make a calendar that incorporates your content distribution, social posts, and paid advertising initiatives.

Also, create thoughtful writing pieces and visual art. The off-season is not the time to spill the beans! Instead of rushing to generate blog entries, videos, and podcasts at the end of long, frantic days, schedule them to be shared during your busy months.

How can seasonal marketing benefit your business?

Seasonal marketing offers many benefits for new or established businesses. With increased web and foot traffic, seasonal transitions and holidays are an excellent opportunity to appeal to new and existing customers with special promotions. Here are some expected benefits of successful seasonal marketing:

1. Appealing to seasonal excitement

Many consumers look forward to the holidays and the changing seasons because of the chance to spend time with friends and family and to buy and give presents. 

With seasonal advertising, businesses can cash in on customer enthusiasm by providing limited-time seasonal sales. Customers may feel more compelled to purchase if they know they must act quickly to take advantage of a limited-time offer.

2. Increasing brand awareness

The popularity of your company and its offerings is a reflection of brand awareness. Using the changing seasons to promote the company and bring in new clients through limited-time offers is an innovative business. 

During the holiday season, word-of-mouth and special offers drive customers to stores. Offering compelling discounts and first-rate support can help break into a competitive market.

3. Increasing sales

Attracting new and returning buyers with seasonal promotions is an intelligent seasonal marketing strategy that can help increase product sales and revenue. 

Customers are motivated to buy more and spread the word when they can save money while getting something of value.

4. Meeting customer needs

Strategy revisions following the changing seasons allow you to maintain contact with your target audience at all times.

Customers pleased with the discounts you provide are more likely to become repeat buyers and advocates.

Additional benefits of developing and executing a seasonal marketing strategy include:

  • Facilitating an increase in product sales and income
  • Encouraging repeat business and drawing in new clients.
  • Bringing in more recommendations
  • Causing a rise in consumer demand
  • Facilitating an in-depth, personal connection with the target audience
  • opening up new possibilities for conducting targeted advertising


Incorporating a seasonal marketing strategy into your overall plan can increase revenue, consumer involvement, and brand recognition at any time of year.

You can use it to discover new ways to connect with your audience through personalizing messages and offers, introducing seasonal games and incentives, and generating user-generated material that will brighten your consumers’ days.

1. What is a seasonal factor in marketing?

As a marketer, you need to think like your customers when trying to figure out how to encourage them to buy big and small at different times of the year.

2. What are examples of seasonal products?

Some seasonal products examples are only produced or in high demand during specific times of the year, such as:
Holiday décor
Christmas wrapping paper
Kits for giving as presents throughout the holidays

3. What is an example of a seasonal push marketing campaign?

Halloween, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Christmas, New Year’s Eve/Day, and Valentine’s Day are just a few examples of seasonal opportunities that can increase your revenue and bring you closer to your audience.

Cyrus Nambakhsh

Cyrus is a serial entrepreneur, product-led-growth expert, a product visionary who launched 7 startups. He has built scalable platforms to help businesses and entrepreneurs. Contact: Cyrus@ainfluencer.com