Personal branding for dummies: Ultimate guide by Ainfluencer

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Personal branding for Dummies? No sir. We are about to give you an easy-to-do personal branding guide that even dummies can benefit from.

The good news is: You are not dummies, meaning that you are gonna be killing it on this journey.

This is exactly what we do here on Ainfluencer. We teach you either how to find Instagram influencers or become one.

What is a personal brand

What is a personal brand? 

Fenty Beauty, Lewis Howes, Dominos, Tesla, Amazon, Alibaba

If your favourite brand could have a human form, how would he/she look?
This is what branding means: To create a character for your product/service.

But it may sound a little weird when it comes to personal branding because you already have a human form. :)))

By personal branding, we mean that we are going to put effort into promoting your character, knowledge, or even abilities. We do this to help you become an authority in any field you are working on.  

Joker: How ’bout a magic trick?? 

Personal branding doesn’t need magic! I mean, you can use my magical branding tricks, but it’s not a MUST. Although honestly speaking, these tips that I’m about to tell you are indeed essential:

1. Research your industry niche and its needs

You have authority when you have respect. What is the field you want to be a brand at? Think about the people interested in that field, and answer only one question:

How can I help them?

The answers may differ; some need laughter, some need advice, and some may need a catalog. The answer to this question is exactly what we are going to talk about next.

2.      Add values to your brand

People will follow you on social media only if they can benefit from your content. As we mentioned earlier, it can be anything from a happy smile or a hack to make 10 billion dollars.

Your mission must be creating content that is rich in value. You shouldn’t stop there here and go further and deeper.

In other words, feed your followers with the things they like, and make sure they are always at the edge of explosion.

3.      Passion

Passion motivates you to tolerate difficulties. Furthermore, it helps you create a personal branding strategy that even dummies succeed with. You may ask why?

It’s simple: People do not keep what they do not love.

4.      Mission

What are you looking to achieve by your brand?

  • Making money?
  • Helping people
  • Fame?

You better think about it in the beginning of this journey. because you surely dont want to take the U-Turn 10 miles in the wrong direction.

5.      Vison

Well, where do you see your brand or even yourself in 5 years? This is precisely what helps you set goals. How? 

6.      Strengths

Strengths are the basis of describing personal branding, which says how well you can prove yourself/brand by having reliable resources.

7.      Marketing goals

You don’t need to be an expert to create clear goals for yourself. Learning about SMART goals can even help you set your goals in a better way.

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Anyway, goals are simple math: If you are looking for 12000 followers, you need to have 6000 followers in 6 months. In three months we need 3000.

Now that we know where we should stand in 3 months, we are almost ready to take our first baby steps.

I said almost because there is only one more step to take.

8.      Target market requirements

Target market is one of the most critical factors while making personal brands. I’m sure you don’t want to go to the other side of the city and suddenly remember you forgot your keys.

9.      Knowledge and experience

If you have pre-knowledge about the branding, you will save more time and energy in defining your Content strategy. Also, the experience can help you to do personal branding easier than your previous experiences.

Simple Personal branding hacks that only dummies avoid

Some prerequisites can help you to build your personal branding as quickly as possible.

  Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is a personal branding strategy that even works for dummies. Imagine how YOU can benefit from it!
Head over to Ainfluencer and sign up for free. Then all you need to do is to choose your niche, post a free AD on our influencer marketing marketplace, and grab a cup of coffee.

Maybe hundreds of influencers reach out to you in the first week to discuss the best content to promote you.

Even if we didn’t, we teach you how to approach them and get a “Count me in”.

  Grow your online presence

It is the simplest way to grow your online presence on multiple social media platforms to increase your brand exposure. Anyways, the more people see you, the more your chances are.

Never give up

You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress  – Sophia Bush

If you have searched for something like Personal branding for dummies, it means that you are just at the beginning of this journey. I don’t want to disappoint you, but I have to tell you that it’s not easy.

Its complex learning new things. Just think about anything that you are good at now. I bet you want this good in the beginning.

And here is a confession: Nothing can help you as much as execution does. You just need to show up and keep creating good content until your time has come.

Although there are things that can help you get where you want to be faster:

  1. Make a commitment that you are going to keep trying for at least a year.
  2. Dedicate at least two hours of your day to work on your personal branding
  3. Learn EVERYDAY

These three are the foundation of any successful work on earth, and they will indeed serve you the same.


The title “personal branding for dummies” is NOT offensive, and I wish you never search for something like that ever again.

But let me be honest with you, it does mean that you are at the beginning of your journey and need help at every level of your journey.

We gave you some of the essential factors that can help you succeed fast, such as:

  • Defining a niche and finding their needs
  • Creating content, based on those
  • Having a vision and setting clear goals
  • And more…

But the truth is, the most important thing you’ve got to do is just to do it for a while. You can create the most fantastic brand on planet earth if you accept that you need to educate yourself daily and dedicate an hour a day to this purpose.

The faster you like to get there, the more time you need to invest in yourself daily. Keep in mind that the key here is persistence.

What do you guys think? Is there any important factor that I missed?

Cyrus Nambakhsh

Cyrus is a serial entrepreneur, product-led-growth expert, a product visionary who launched 7 startups. He has built scalable platforms to help businesses and entrepreneurs. Contact: