Influencer Marketing: Expectations vs. Reality

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Influencer marketing is still a modern and effective marketing method but there are plenty of false expectations from it.

It’s all about collaborations between brands and influencers. When a business wants to grow on a social network on any scale, it should use influencer marketing.

It is the most appropriate way of promoting your brand’s essential qualities to boost awareness of it and generate sales.

When you collaborate with an influencer, there are always gaps between a business’s expectations vs. influencers’ performance in reality.

This article offers businesses and marketers ways to set better influencer marketing expectations for maximum results.

Before jumping into the discussion, we want to introduce a vast network of influencers to you.

Ainfluencer is a free, reliable influencer marketing platform with various leading Instagram influencers. It lets you find these individuals with absolutely no risks.

You can check out the platform’s services right now and create your first offer for free.

Prerequisites for the right Influencer Marketing Expectations

1.      Choose the Right Social Media Platform

It is a crucial point to know which social media platform best fits your business for better growth. Typically, Instagram is the most popular platform for most businesses, with 1.074 billion users worldwide in 2021.

Therefore, we can conclude that Instagram is also the best social media choice for effectively doing influencer marketing.

Considering the different kinds of features and tools of this visual platform, Instagram is an excellent spot for your marketing and sales teams to showcase your products and services. And also attracting more potential audiences.

2.    Find the Best Influencer Marketing Platform

After knowing which social media platform works best for your business, finding the ideal influencer marketing platform is your next move for discovering the right Instagram influencers.

Influencer discovery is one of the most essential steps to connect with your audience. The more audience you garner, the more you boost brand awareness.

  • Ainfluencer

Ainfluencer is a do-it-yourself platform for both brands and influencers to meet and do deals.

It makes Instagram influencer marketing and ads on marketplaces easy and fast. Unlike all the other Instagram influencer marketing platforms that generally charge you a lot, Ainfluencer lets you create your first ad offer for free. You also get to discover influencers, invite them to your ad campaigns, and collaborate with them for different purposes.

  • Find Influencers Willing to Volunteer
See also  Negotiating Successful Influencer Partnerships: 8 Tips for Building Win-Win Collaboration

The best influencer ad marketplaces will have the most reliable influencers signed up on their websites. Auditing influencers is done by reviewing the content on their social media profiles. Ainfluencer’s website allows you to use custom search filters such as various keywords, hashtags, categories, and locations for evaluating an influencer’s content quality before deciding to work with them. The range of options we provide ease the process of finding influencers for you. 

Influencers Exceptions vs. Reality

The most common success measures for influencer marketing are conversion rates and sales, but exceptions vs. reality show something opposite.

Influencers are successful, educated people in advertising brands, products, and services, but there are some challenges after making deals.

False Expectation #1

  • Influencer marketing Expectation: it is an overnight success.
  • Reality: Growing your business through influencer marketing takes time.

All of us are waiting for a miracle to quickly grow our business. You might think influencers’ power and impact can bring sudden growth for any industry, but that’s just wishful thinking. You must have an effective marketing plan and be willing to take the time necessary to grow your business.

Spending enough time and budget on influencer marketing coupled with patience are the keys to making your business flourish.

Based on this fact, you need to dedicate more time and energy to extract positive results from your influencer marketing strategy.

False Expectation #2

  • Influencer marketing Expectation: Influencers are experts in your niche.
  • Reality: Influencers need to familiarize themselves with your marketing plan.

Influencers indeed have enough marketing knowledge, especially the ones with a specific industry or niche. But still, they need to connect more with your brand and become more familiar with your activities. When you’re writing an influencer contract, both sides’ expectations should be clarified for effective long-term collaboration, and it must include marketing goals.

Providing a checklist of your marketing plan helps influencers better fulfill your brand’s demands.

  • Influencer marketing Expectation: it converts leads to customers.
  • Reality: Influencers increase brand awareness.

It is no doubt that influencer marketing can increase your brand awareness because influencers have an above-average following count. Generally, turning leads into customers is a long-term process that would not be achievable at a glance.

Generating leads with influencer marketing that resonate with your brand partly depends on your products or services’ quality. However, you can expect brand awareness to increase as influencers have fans and followers. This leads to a broader reach of what you have to offer.


It is important to take the right path for growing your business by setting your influencer marketing exceptions right. We recommend joining the leading Ad Marketplace for influencer marketing today to begin successful collaborations with different influencers.

Cyrus Nambakhsh

Cyrus is a serial entrepreneur, product-led-growth expert, a product visionary who launched 7 startups. He has built scalable platforms to help businesses and entrepreneurs. Contact: