How To Check If Someone Has Blocked You On Instagram? 2023 Update

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Have you ever wondered why you haven’t seen a friend of yours sharing anything on Instagram for some time? You might have got quite surprised that you weren’t able to see their Instagram profile, having searched their names.

Well, let’s face it. Although Instagram doesn’t tell you who has blocked you, there is a realistic chance that your friend has blocked you!

If you have ever asked yourself who blocked me on Instagram, and wished to find out if someone has blocked you or not, you should be intrigued by the idea of accompanying us to learn some detective work to figure out the signs that indicate someone has blocked you.

Figure Out Who Blocked You On Instagram

Keep in mind that as Instagram is becoming more popular with people all over the globe, some of its issues are getting bigger as well. More and more people are at risk of being offended with regard to their many and various views. So, blocking is not only a must-have feature but also an effective tool to prevent us from what we are not interested to see or with whom we don’t want to communicate.

However, as you enjoy blocking accounts you don’t wish to appear on your feed, it is understandable if you don’t like to be blocked on Instagram by others.

If the idea of seeing who blocked you on Instagram has piqued your curiosity, below are the things you can do to answer the question of who blocked me on Instagram. 

1. Search the username you suspect

If you are not able to find the username you look for in the search tab, they are very likely to have blocked you.

2. Tag the username you suspect

Another way to ensure that someone has blocked you is to try tagging them in a photo. If the system can’t find that particular user name, you know what it means. Having said that, you can also take the possibility into account that they might have deleted their account or their profile has somehow got banned.

3. Check whether their content has disappeared

If you suspect that someone has blocked you, check one of your posts that you remember that person had already commented on. If you can’t see the comment anymore, this could confirm your suspicions.

4. Check their messages

In the Instagram direct messages, find your conversation with that person. When you tap on their profile name, if you see a “User not found” error message, or if you cannot see their followers and the following count, you can ensure that they have blocked you.

User not found on Instagram

5. Check from another account

When you want to see who blocked you on Instagram, you can create a new Instagram account or use somebody else’s account to search their username and see whether you can find their profile.

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If the answer is yes, then you are blocked for sure. But if not, something might be wrong with that person’s account.

6. Check their activity on a mutual friend’s profile

Moreover, if there is no trace of their activities on a mutual friend’s profile, the idea is confirmed with certainty.

You Have Been Blocked, What Can You Do About It?

When you find out who blocked you on Instagram, you need to accept the fact that you can’t do anything about it. On the other hand, it doesn’t mean that you have done something wrong. They have made a choice not to see what you share, but what about the rest of your followers who are into your photos and videos?

The best thing to do is to keep doing what you have been doing. Be honest to yourself, and when you find the answer of “who blocked me on Instagram,” just move on!

How Can I Have A List Of People Who Blocked Me On Instagram?  

To put it in a nutshell, you can’t. There is no app to see who blocked you on Instagram. Some apps claim that they do and acquire your username and password on Instagram, but your efforts will be in vain.

Keep tracking these people by the given methods, and do not fall for any of these fake claims to answer “who blocked me on Instagram.”

Can you not see someone’s content and activity without blocking them?

You may not want to see someone’s contents, while you don’t want to block them for any personal reasons. Instagram has a feature for you called restrict. The contents and comments they share won’t be visible to you while there are no signs to tell them you have restricted them except for the fact that you never show any reactions to them.

In other words, it is a toned-down version of blocking, which limits unwanted interactions with someone on Instagram. For the restricted person, nothing will change, as they can still see your content on their feed and Stories. 

And here is the big thing, if a restricted profile puts a comment on your posts, neither you nor anyone else will see that comment. Only they themselves are able to see those comments, fully unaware of what is really going on.


Instagram is such a vast platform full of varieties that anyone following Instagram guidelines and rules will be able to find others who share the same interests.

As you just read, there are several ways to check if someone has blocked you on Instagram. If you think you have been blocked, try one of these methods and see if you can find out.

What happens when someone restricts you on Instagram?

When you restrict a person on Instagram, they can still see your content on their feed and Stories. But if they put a comment on your posts, neither you nor anyone else will see that comment. Only they themselves are able to see those comments, fully unaware of what is really going on.

Why do people block you?

There can be many reasons why people might block you on social media or in real life. It could be because you said something they didn’t agree with, or maybe you just posted too many pictures. Whatever the reason, it’s important to remember that there could be a valid explanation for why someone blocked you. If you’re curious about why you were blocked, try reaching out to the person who blocked you to see if they’ll tell you.

Cyrus Nambakhsh

Cyrus is a serial entrepreneur, product-led-growth expert, a product visionary who launched 7 startups. He has built scalable platforms to help businesses and entrepreneurs. Contact: