Alessandro Bogliari

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How would you compare Influencer Marketing with digital advertising?

Influencer Marketing is more personable. Banners and cold paid media are gaining less traction nowadays, especially for Gen Z and Millennials. Influencers have the power to tell stories and to influence their audience to behave a certain way. It could be anything from buying a new pair of shoes, downloading an app, or donating blood. Users want to see authentic content and find influencers that are relatable and that speak their same “language”.

Which social platforms do you think will be the most used by influencer marketers in the next 5 years?


How do you currently find relevant and high-quality influencers for your marketing campaigns?

Influencer discovery platforms


How should brands use Instagram influencers to grow their business? What is your personal experience with Instagram influencing?

In my experience, instagram influencers generally use stories to share their sponsored campaigns. The link sticker feature directs traffic to a website and is especially useful for influencers that are promoting businesses. With the latest features on Instagram,  influencers will be able to maximize sales and increase their outreach.

Instagram influencer marketing company

What are some common tools and strategies to help grow your presence on Instagram? Are you currently using any tools?

A combination of Insta Stories with link stickers and directing users to websites. Whenever the brand has social commerce set up, send the users to the brand Instagram shop in order to finalize all the purchases in-app without leaving Instagram. It’s a frictionless, one-click experience.


What advice would you give to a new business that wants to gain and grow its paid sponsorships?

Trust the influencers and content creators – they generally know their audience better than you do.

 How do you think influencer marketing will grow among small businesses in the near future?

More people are realizing how essential influencer marketing is to one’s marketing strategy. That said, influencer marketing will continue growing – especially because of the new tools offered on social media for content creators. We will also start to see a better correlation between influencer marketing campaigns and actual ROI as influencer marketing matures.

How do you currently collaborate with and pay Instagram influencers? Name any tools and strategies that you use.

As an influencer marketing agency, we use a combination of our internal systems, in-app searches and external networking to find the best influencers for each campaign.

Cyrus Nambakhsh

Cyrus is a serial entrepreneur, product-led-growth expert, a product visionary who launched 7 startups. He has built scalable platforms to help businesses and entrepreneurs. Contact: